Chapter 41

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The next day  around 5 am Ditya woke up by some thing weird. She felt some one stocking her for head. She couldn’t recognise the touch instantly. But eventually she knew it was her mother. As she opened her eyes. She found her mother sitting next to you with tears in her eyes and her dad standing next to her.

D: Mom Dad!!!

Dad: Good morning princess.

D: good morning dad. Everything fine?

Dad: yes bacche we are here to talk to you.

Mom: diti we know we have been unfair to you but trust us we haven’t done any of it intentionally.

Dad: yes beta all we want was to give you everything you want in life but in that process we forgot to provide you the love and care you always deserved.

Mom: we are sorry beta. But please know we love you a lot and will always do.

Dad: and our heart swells with happiness seeing all the love you are getting from Virat. All we want is to you be happy my child.

D: mom dad you guys don’t have to be sorry. May be I was immature that time and was not able to understand but now I understand that what ever you guys did was for my betterment.  And I love you guys too. And I will miss you.

She said pulling them both in a hug. The realisation struck her. This is the last day when she will be only there daughter. From tomorrow she will be a daughter a daughter in law and a wife. This was the last day of her in this house. She has to leave everything and step into a new life. Though she knew Virat cared for her more then she did for herself but a part of her was sad.

Her mom said breaking the hug.

Mom: ok now go and get ready for your chuda chadhai.

(So guys chuda chadhai is a rasam of punjabi wedding where in which a set of Bengal’s are first washed in holy water and then gifted to the bride by her maternal uncle after performing certain rituals. This ritual generally takes place early in the morning of the day of wedding. The bride has to wear those Bengal’s for 40 days after weeding.)

She got ready looking pretty as usual

Ups! Gambar ini tidak mengikuti Pedoman Konten kami. Untuk melanjutkan publikasi, hapuslah gambar ini atau unggah gambar lain.

She got ready looking pretty as usual. Just then she received face time from Virat.

V: aaye haaye.!!! Beautiful.

He said as soon as she answered his FaceTime.

D: thank you. Waise how you called ao early in the morning?

V: because I knew that the rasam of chuda was scheduled for early morning and I wanted to see how my bride is looking.

D: Will you ever loss a chance to flatter me Mr.Kohli.

V: I can’t help it Mrs. Kohli I am charming since I was young.

D: ok now shut up and let me go I am getting late now.

Mr & Mrs Perfect Kohli ✔️Completed (Editing Slowly)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang