Chapter 37

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Its been over a week IPL has started. Virat and his team is playing really well.

On the other hand Ditya was working really hard as there are only 3 days left for the award function.

Today RCB was playing against KKR in Bangalore. In all this while Virat has asked Ditya to come to watch the match number of times but she was unable to make it possible. But today was different. Today from the time she has woke up she is feeling an urge to see Virat and be with him. She called Mira to inform the same

D: Mira book me the next flight to Bangalore and cancel everything for today. Also book me flight for tonight for return.

M: but Ditya....

D:I know work and all but I have to go Mira. I can feel something is wrong. I just want to see Virat.

M: ok got it. Will do that. But I am coming alone with you.

Ditya and Mira were at the airport in next two hours. She was sure she will  reach  before  the  match but the flight  got delayed. By the time she reached Bangalore the match was already started. She headed straight to stadium.

Though Ditya hated the celebrity status she has gained but at the time like these she enjoys it. She is The Ditya Sharma. World knew her as star business woman and Fiancé of non other then Virat Kohli. What can stop her by entering the stadium’s VIP stands in the middle of the match.

Her eyes searched for his love and soon came to halt as she saw Virat near the boundary, fielding.  

She felt a sudden sense of relief taking over her. She realized how much she has missed him. She didn’t realized when the camera shifted towards her and she was on the screen of the stadium. To her luck Virat was so engrossed in the game that he didn’t noticed it.

She can see the level of dedication and passion reflecting on virat’s  face. Ditya and Mira cheered for RCB on every fall of wicket. And then there was a ball hit by the batsman in the direction where Virat was fielding which landed perfectly into his hands. There was cheers all around for another fall of wicket. But to all of there surprise instead of celebrating Virat collapsed in the ground holding his hand. He was in pain and soon his hand was all covered with blood.

He was taken straight to the dressing room

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He was taken straight to the dressing room. Seeing that Ditya panicked like anything. Looking at her state Mira communicated with the manager of team RCB and escorted Ditya to the dressing room where Virat was taken.

Since all the players were outside only Virat the team Physio and the manager were there in the dressing room. By the time she reached the dressing room she was sobbing like a kid. She can’t even imaging him going through such pain. But knowing that her tears will make him upset she wiped her tears before entering inside.

D: Virat.

V: Ditya. Tum!!

He was pleasantly surprised. He didn’t even cared about anything released his hand from the grip of his phisyo who was nursing his wound and went up to her and hugged her.

Mr & Mrs Perfect Kohli ✔️Completed (Editing Slowly)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt