The Annoying Older Brother...

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The year was 1964 and The Beatles were on a plane on their way to America.

All the boys were obviously very excited about this but a certain John Lennon, who was getting bored of being stuck on a plane for the next few hours, decided that he wanted to take his boredom out on the youngest Beatle, George, in the most annoying way possible.

George Harrison was sleepily sitting in his seat with his head against the plane window struggling to keep his eyes open.

George hadn't been getting much sleep lately due to the nerves getting to him about being away from England, though he was excited about going to America, he was also quiet scared about going there too.

John smirked in his seat across from George when he took a look at the younger boy who was slowly failing to stay awake.

"Oh this could be fun!" John thought evilly, before getting out of this seat and jumping into the seat next to George, smirking even more when he scared the poor boy so much that he basically made him jump out his skin.

"Jesus Christ John! Don't scare me like that!" George exclaimed, clearly annoyed.

John laughed loudly. "Aw, did I scare poor little Georgie? Was the little baby trying to take a little kip, hm?" John cooed in a mocking tone, making George turn a bright shade of red.

"No! I was just... looking out at the view is all..." George mumbled, clearly embarrassed.

John started laughing even louder.

"Haha yeah right Harrison! Hey Paulie! Looks like we might need to give Ol' Georgie here a few breaks during our tour! The poor baby needs his sleepy time, or else he's just going to fall asleep during all our concerts! won't you Georgie?" John cooed the last bit at George while pinching his cheeks a little too roughly making George push him away angrily.

"For goodness sake John! Can't you just leave me alone, and stop being so bloody annoying for once?!" George shouted right up close to John's face.

Paul and Ringo, who were trying to get a bit of peace before they had to get out of the plane and face all of their screaming fans, were both quite annoyed when they heard John ruining all of that by deciding to annoy George.

Paul signed, running a hand across his face.

"John, just leave him alone, okay? We've still got a couple of hours left on this plane, and we don't need you making it even worse by annoying George." Paul said annoyed at the whole situation.

This only caused John's smirk to get even Bigger.

"Oh come on Paulie! I'm not annoying him! Am I Georgie? We're just having a little fun!" John exclaimed, ruffling George's hair, which he knew would annoy the youngest Beatle even more.

"No, we are not! Now go away, and leave me alone!" George shouted rather loudly, while tiredly rubbing at his eyes straight after, now very tired and having enough of all this.

Paul frowned before walking up to George and putting a comforting hand on his shoulder.

"It's okay if your a little tired George, we all are... how about you lay down and take a little kip for the rest of the plane ride huh?" Paul said with a small smile, trying to be nice but only resulting in making George more angry.

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