He let the magic flow through his fingertips into the Earth, working to shift the entrance allowing his passage out. It felt like a million volts of electricity were traveling through his body as he attempted to use his magic. Every nerve was filled with blinding pain, his flesh crackling from the anti magic wards cast on the stone. Devan screamed in agonizing pain as he doubled over, panting trying to catch his breathe, his vision growing spotty. 

A pair of footsteps entered, the loud clomps of leather boots stopping right in front of Devan's face accompanied by an old and familiar chuckle. Devan was relieved that iron bars separated the two, because frankly this boy was unpredictable and terrifying when upset, almost as bad as one of Derek's episodes.

"You aren't the Fitzgerald I want, but you are just as much at fault as your little brother," the tall brunette spat, his reddish brown eyes twinkling in delight at the sight of his foe on his knees bloody and bruised.

"Nikkolai, why?" Devan gasped, wiping the blood dripping from his nose with the back of his hand.

"Do you like the improvements to our security system? Layered spells. Not only would your magic constantly be draining, but for someone as powerful as you, we had to make it painful to even use the magic," Nikkolai grinned.

"That really stung like a bitch," Devan wheezed. 

He struggled to rise from his knees, a wave of dizziness overcoming him as he collapsed to his side in pain. Michael Noble really outdid himself this time. He could feel the toll the magical enchantments were taking on his body as his strength was sapped. There was no point in struggling, he would just have to wait until the timing was right to escape.

"What are you doing down here, Nikkolai?" Devan questioned.

"Why, I just wanted to let you know that I have your gate key now. I can't wait to see the shock on your brother's face when I defeat him."

"Derek is stronger than you think. You may be a higher ranked mentalist, but his Elemental magic is on a level with the Gods," Devan snapped.

"More like hell itself," Nikkolai snapped, "he was the one who murdered my own brother in cold blood."

"That was purely accidental!" Devan cried. "It was the reason our father started suppressing our abilities!"

"Abilities like that shouldn't exist. I don't know what deal your father made to produce such powerful sons because he is weak!" Nikkolai screamed.

Devan chuckled shaking his head at the boy. Look who was talking, Kasim was a wizard prodigy and so was Nikki. Holding grudges clouded the boy's judgement. He was surprised the boy hadn't realized they were part of the same magical enhancement experiments during fetal development. Then again, Nikki was so focused on revenge on Derek, he didn't utilize his Taskforce abilities to access all the classified documents like Devan had when searching for answers on his younger brother.

"Nikki, maybe you should ask your mom." Devan stated.

"My mom is dead! She died after Declan!"

"Where is Declan? I haven't seen him in these realms in a while now." Devan questioned at the mention of Nikkolai's younger brother. Declan wasn't born until two years after his older brother passed. He knew Nikkolai hated the younger brother, feeling he was only born as a replacement and because he took his mother's life. It wouldn't surprise him if this lunatic killed his own brother.

"I don't know where he is! After that stupid Sorceress stood trial, my baby brother disappeared out of the blue!"

"Maybe he ran from you," Devan snickered, boring his hazel eyes into the boy. 

Nikkolai screamed in frustration, pounding his hand into the wall as his whole body trembled from his rage. Slowly, his body turned to face Devan, the expression on his face sending chills down Devan's spine from the murderous grin only a psychopath could possess.

"Michael Noble tasked me with keeping watch over Luke. He didn't mention anything about keeping an eye on Anna," he stated in a low cold tone, "maybe I'll kill her first."

He turned his back on Devan, slowly leaving the dungeon while Devan spurted multiple profanities towards the boy. "Don't you dare lay a hand on Anna! I will-"

Nikkolai whirled around with such intensity that Devan actually faltered for a moment in fear from the harshness of his voice, "Now, you finally admit your feelings after dismissing them all those years ago?" He chuckled as he shook his head, "Maybe I'll have some fun with Anna first. Cats are rather nimble."

Devan roared in anger as Nikkolai disappeared from view, clenching his fists wanting so badly to ram them repeatedly in the boy's face until he was begging for mercy. Dust began to fall from the dungeon walls and ceiling as the ground began to shake despite the thousand bolts of electricity surging through Devan's skin to stop him. He wasn't able to cause much damage as he collapse face first on the ground completely drained. With his last bit of strength, he projected his thought several hundred miles away into Anna's mind.

Anna, I promised nobody would ever lay a hand on you again and I swear to keep that promise!


So, what are your thoughts on this newest chapter? How do you feel about Devan, Derek's older brother? What about Nikkolai, do you love him or hate him? ;)

Stay tuned as some familiar characters return next chapter!

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