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"Are you all packed?" A very impatient voice snapped from Ms.Garcia.

"Yes. No need to cry, i'll be back soon." I gave her a wink.

"Yeah, yeah. Just as long as it's not today. You know how much I dislike you so don't be so sure you'll be coming back. These people paid a large amount for you."

For me? Especially for me? They haven't even seen me, why would they want me?

"Yeah sure whatever. i'll be back later on tomorrow."

Toby had said his goodbye to me earlier so he just came to see me off. It's the first time I'm a bit nervous of meeting the people that are "adopting" me. What do they know about me? My thoughts were interrupted when I saw a black limo pull up giving Toby a confused look and he returned it with an impressed whistle and mouthed the words "good luck". I turned back to the limo waiting for somebody to come out and I was a bit disappointed when the driver came out and said they couldn't come because of some meeting or whatever. How could they not come to meet me? I already know I'm not going to like these people. I glared at the stupid empty limo while the driver put my stuff away and I decided to sit shotgun without getting permission from the driver. But he didn't mind, and asked if I was ready to go.

"I'm ready to go and come back."

I looked back out the window and waved bye to Toby like I would never see him again. I fought back the tears that were threatening to come out. I never cry, what's going on with me? I'm letting them get to me and I haven't even met them yet. I just need to chill out. I ended up falling asleep and when I woke up, it was pretty dark outside. How long have I been sleeping? As if the driver read my mind said, " you have been asleep for 4 hours. We'll be there shortly."

"4 hours?!! Where are we?"


"Really?" My eyes widened.

"Yeah." He shrugged.

The rest of the drive was quiet except when he asked if I was hungry but of course I said no. I feel like I would waste his time to stop by somewhere. Then we finally pulled up to this really huge house. This is where they live? It's soooo beautiful. Although I'd never admit it to anyone. The driver opened my door and gathered my belongings and walked me to the door and rang the doorbell. We waited about 5 minutes before someone answered the door.

"Hey. I'm Veronica, you must be Harmony." She said with a big smile on her face.

"Unless you bought another kid." I smirked at her.

"Oh, I see you brought your joke book along with you." She spat back.

"Oh no I'm sorry, I left that back at the foster home. You can just tell your driver to drive me back to get it." I managed to plastic a grin.

"Lovely. I love your attitude. We're going to be the best of friends, I just know it. Come on in."

I walked in and saw a long hallway leading to two separate staircases. I turned to get a better look at Veronica, I have to admit she's pretty good looking, maybe 23? Why did a 20 year old adopt a 17 year old? This makes no sense. Anyways, Veronica looks very athletic with her yoga pants and messy bun in her hair. She's not very big in the frontal or back area but beautiful nonetheless. I've always been ashamed of my D size breasts ever since Jeremiah took a picture of me and put it on the walls at the foster care when we were dating. I still can't believe he did that but I'm glad Toby got him good sending him to the hospital with broken ribs and a messed up face.

"Hey, what are you smiling about?" She gave me an amused look.

"Just something I remembered."

"Well this is your room. If you need anything please let me know."

"Yeah okay. What do you want with me?"

"What do you mean?"

"Don't play stupid. You're what, 6 years older than me? Why am I here? How do you know me?"

"5 years older than you," she corrected me, "and you are here because I need you and that's all. I don't really care what you do as long as you don't disrespect me like you just did."

"For a 22 year old, you act like you're 70. I can talk to you however I want. You are not my mother and I will not be living here."

"Oh that's right. Your mother's dead isn't she." She said with a fake pout and walked out of the room slamming it behind her.

I ran out after her and turned her so I could see her face and slapped her. "Do not ever say that again or I will mess you up even more."

She raised her hand to strike me but paused when the front door closed and a man yelled, "Hey Vero! Are you home yet?"

She glared at me and yelled, "yes, I'm upstairs with Harmony!"

We heard the front door open again. Im guessing he went outside again?When we heard the door close she harshly whispered, "If you ever touch me again, I will end you. I know someone that will be more than happy for me to make you disappear. Does the name Victor mean anything to you?" She smiled at me with an evil glare when my face paled.

"So do we have an agreement?" She asked while pulling my hair so I would look at her face.

I refused to answer so she pulled my hair harder and then back handed me and I landed on the ground. I held back the tears that were about to come out. I wouldn't give her the satisfaction of knowing she hurt me. She looked pissed that I didn't give her that pleasure of seeing me break. She walked closer to me and bent down pulling my hair so I would stand up and she smacked me again but this time my head was banged into the wall making me fall. I felt something wet dripping down the side of my head and I realized I was bleeding. She laughed and kicked me in the side twice then stopped when she heard footsteps coming up the stairs.

"Oh my gosh! Are you okay Harmony?" She put a concerned look on her face when a man walked up to us and he screamed, "What the fuck happened?! She just got here and she's hurt already?"

I couldn't see his face because of my blurred vision but I could have swore I was listening to an angel speak.

"I don't know! I ran out of the room and saw her on the floor. I guess she tripped on the carpet and hit her head. You should go get some ice babe."

"Yeah ok, i'll be back soon." He angrily sighed.

As soon as he was out of sight she smacked the place my head was bleeding and said, "This could have been different but you just had to be a bitch. If you say anything to him, I will end your life or better yet, give you to Victor himself. You brought this on yourself and now you're mine bitch." She hissed.

I glared at her and the room start spinning. The last thing I remember is seeing the man come back and started arguing with Veronica before I blacked out.

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