the beginning

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so I wrote a one shot for this and decided to try to turn it into a story. Autobot_Bladerunner, SageDragonSD, Dolphinsong15, t7lks1, Ebonisa, and StarjumperAutobot, I changed some things in this, such as some details and a few things that happened, so that I could make some other things happen later on, like an actual dilemma that keeps them from starting the bridge back up and going right back home.

Ratchet grumbled about Bulkhead's carelessness around base as he repaired the ground bridge. The power source had been damaged, and he needed to replace it. He grabbed the new power cell, put it in place, and closed the panel.

The rest of the teams currently out scouting for energon, and the kids were at something called 'summer camp'. Ratchet almost missed all the noise the children brought with them.


"Ratchet, we require a ground bridge to base. Once you have it open come through, we need your help transporting the energon we found." Came Optimus' voice through the coms.

"Very well, Optimus, I am coming through," replied Ratchet as he started up the ground bridge.

Time skip, brought to you by Sentinel Prime's big chin

After they had gotten most of the energon through, they all went back for the last load. As they neared the ground bridge to return to base it flashed brightly. The gentle green hue turned into a swirl of angry blues and started sucking in everything that wasn't anchored to the ground.

One by one the bots were pulled into the portal. Optimus was the last to give into the vacuum and the last thing he saw was his team tumbling through the wormhole before darkness claimed him.

Dimensional swap

Sari watched from the roof of a near by building as the Autobots and Deceptions fought for an all spark fragment. It was obvious who was winning, Blitzwing and Megatron were the only cons still able to fight, and the bots for the most part were fine.

"Deceptions, retreat!" Called Megatron. Starscream and Lugnut had just enough energy to transform and flee.

"AW, YAH!" Crowed bumblebee, "We rule!"

Optimus smiled gently before turning to address his team, "alright everyone, good job. Ratchet, take the all spark fragment to Sumdac Tower. Bumblebee, go get Sari and bring her to base. Prowl, Bulkhead, and I will head over to the base and get things ready for the elite guard, if they're not there already."

Everyone nodded in agreement and drove their separate ways.

Time skip, brought to you by the Thor wannabe known as Ultra Magnus. (No offence)

When Optimus got to the base he was expecting his team to be getting ready, this, on the other servo, was not what he was expecting. He suppressed a sigh as Bumblebee and Sari ran past him, escaping from an enraged, blue and red Sentinel Prime who was dripping with wet paint. Well, at least they chose good colors.

Optimus frowned, "Bumblebee, when I said to get things ready, this is not what I ment. Is Ratchet back yet?"

"Nope!" Yelped bumblebee as he dodged sentinel's attempt at grabbing him.

"Well we should go see if he needs help with anything. Autobots, Roll...."

"Now wait just a minute, Optimus," interrupted Sentinel, "we're coming with you." He said smugly and pointed to himself, Jazz, and the Jet twins.

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