✴Chapter 15: A Penny For Your Thoughts

Start from the beginning

And all this rage, this anger, this everlasting fire of agony and pain was emanated from the deepest parts of his heart.

And who was responsible for that? Why, Fin, of course.

His older brother once again had managed to infuriate him with his behaviour; As soon as he learned about Davina's arrival he immediately flipped out, insulting her and calling her a dark dimwitted hypocritical witch. How could he call someone all those terrible names without even having seen them before? And specifically, why a witch? Not only that, but Fin's hostility towards Davina went on by spreading rumours about her in the village, rumours that should never be spread for a person. He just kept bragging about her being the doom of all Mikealsons. And on top of that, early in the morning, he even released one of Esther's crows in the room she was sleeping.

Obviously Fin was on the verge of snapping. He had been acting aloop since yesterday morning and all he did was muttering to himself things and curses, but one word always being repeated like an old broken record.

'A cold-hearted witch.'

Kol was barely holding back. As soon as he saw what Fin did that the morning, he almost tackled him and, he would successfully done so if Elijah hadn't appeared out of no where to break those two apart.

So there he was, chopping that poor tree's trunk in order to keep his mind off of Fin. Or Davina. God, how stupid he was! Fin had even managed to plant poisonous doubts in his mind about Davina; thinking that Davina was a witch? Absurd! Yesterday night when he tried to hold her hand but miserably failed to do so, he thought by coming in contact with her he could understand whether what Fin said was true. Whether she was a witch, or not. But he instantly regretted it of course. Davina was just a lost girl in the woods who happened to suffer from memory loss, not a witch. It seemed like life was holding a grudge against her, all those bad things happening to her.

Even though...

Kol wouldn't mind if she indeed turned out to be a witch. Actually no, he would love it; being a witch himself was getting a bit boring sometimes. His siblings didn't care one bit about witchcraft so he was the only one who indeed showed an interest in his nature. There weren't a lot of witches in the village since their species was more of an endangered one. So Davina turning out to be a witch too would definitely be a lot more fun and interesting.

For sure, she was a very pleasant presence in a room; even though he didn't know her for too long he was certainly appealed to her from the very start; it was probably that cute little chuckle of hers, those enticing bright eyes staring right into his soul.
She was attractive in so many different ways, it was crazy how thoroughly he had analyzed her as a person.

Oh what was he thinking? It was way too creepy to think like that. And it wasn't like him to do that whatsoever.

But it's okay to admire something beautiful every now and then, right?

He shook his head. In order to distract himself from those thoughts, he began chopping the tree again, as if it would help him get his mind off of the day's events.

Heh. Good luck with that.

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