They made me get ready and I feel like they are wanting to get out. "Dan, please don't faint." I say. "I won't, I promise." He says. "They say that all the time, but they still do." I say. "Okay, you know what to do." The doctor says. This is going to be a long night.


After pushing for minutes, they finally can see the head of the first baby. "Just a little bit more." The doctor says, I really can't handle it anymore. "You're doing just fine." Dan reassures me and holds my hand even more tight. "No, I can't." I say. I'm pushing as hard as I can, but I still need my strength, cause I have to get the other baby out too. I'm sweating a lot and Dan is wiping the sweat away of my forehead with a tissue.

Then, I finally did it, I can hear screaming. That's a good sign, the baby is breathing. "This is the girl." The doctor says. "Okay, the next one. Are you ready?" the doctor asks. "Not really, but I have no choice." I say. "You can do it, Y/N." Dan says, I look at him and he's smiling like crazy, there's even a small tear in the corner of his eyes too. "This should be much easier." The doctor says.

After a few seconds the doctor tells me that they can see the head. And a little bit later, there's new screaming. "And here is the boy." The doctor says, they take both the babies out of the room to check on them. "You did it princess." Dan says and kisses my forehead.

The doctor comes back into the room. "The babies are both healthy, but because they are small and born at 38 weeks, they need to be in an infant incubator." She says. "But that's nothing to worry about." She adds. "So I'll bring you into your room so you can rest." She says.


The babies were born at night and it's the next morning. The names are official now. I'm so happy to have Lillie May and Blake Elliott in our family. "Did you sleep well?" Dan asks. "Yeah." I say. "I did too." He says. "Your mom called this morning." He says. "What did she say?" I ask him. "She'll come and visit you and the baby, that were her exact words." He chuckles. "She'll bring Sean with her too." He says. "Sean's finally a big brother." I say. "Yes, he is." Dan says.

Someone knocks on the door and Dan lets them in. It's his parents. "You still look good for someone who gave birth at night." His mom says. "She always looks good." Dan says. Why does he need to be like that? "So where's my new grandchild." His dad asks, well they are going to be surprised. "I'll take you." Dan says and leaves the room with them.


They are so oblivious, everyone is. I bring them into the room where the twins are, they are the only one there. "So who?" My mom asks. "Oh here." I say. "And there." I add, waiting for their reaction. "Wait, two babies. You have twins and didn't tell us?" My mom asks. "Yeah, we wanted to keep it a secret from everyone. But hey, Y/N looks great for someone who gave birth to twins." I say. "You're a good husband to Y/N." Mom says, she sounds proud of me. "So? What are the genders?" my dad asks. "A girl and a boy. This is the girl, she's born first, we named her Lillie May. And there's the boy, they have an age different of two minutes and we named him Blake Elliott." I tell them. "They are adorable." My mom says, I couldn't agree more.


My parents left and now Y/N's mom is here together with Sean. "It must have been hard for you." Her mom says to Y/N. "Yeah it was." She says. "Can I see my grandchild?" her mom asks. "I'll bring you. Sean, you wanna come?" I ask. "I'm a big brother." He smiles. "Yes, the best there is." I tell him and bring them to the room of the twins.

"I knew you kept some things a secret." She says, she gets it immediately. "Yeah, we wanted to surprise everyone." I say. "Introduce me to them." She says and I nod. "This is Lillie May, the first born and there is Blake Elliott with an age difference of two minutes. " I say. "Sean, do you want to see your sister and brother?" I ask Sean and he nods.

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