~~~~~~~~~~~~~1 Month Later~~~~~~~~~~~~

I woke up with a wave of nausea hitting me. I rushed to the bathroom and threw up. After I was done, I stood up and started to brush my teeth. I saw Mitch, in the mirror, and he came up behind me and wrapped his arms around my waist.
"Hey, you okay?" He asked, concerned. I nodded. "Yeah, I just don't really feel good." He nodded. "What time is it?" I asked. "Six in the morning. You want me to cook breakfast?" "Sure!" I said and he giggled. He left to go cook. I shut and locked the bathroom door. I had been meaning to do this for a while. I looked in the cabinet under the sink and pulled out a pregnancy test. After I got done, I set it on the sink and started to wait. After a little bit, it was done. I looked at it and it had two lines.
Oh. My. God. I'm pregnant. How am I gonna tell Mitch? Am I gonna tell Mitch? We've only been dating a month now but we've been friends since we were eight so would he be mad? I don't know. The only time we 'did it' was one night when we were both drunk about two weeks ago. Me and Jeremy 'did it' about two nights before we broke up. What if it's Jeremy's? I better go to the doctor before I tell Mitch to see if the baby is his or not. I threw away the test and went downstairs. Mitch was setting the table and putting the food on the table. Was I up there that long? "Hey babe! You okay?" He asked approaching me. I nodded and he hugged me and pecked my lips. He had moved in with me. I know, I know, we've only been dating a month but we've known each other since we were eight sooo it's fine. We walked to the table and he pulled the chair out for me. "Thank you kind sir." I said and giggled he sat beside me and we started to eat. He cooked blueberry pancakes, bacon, and eggs. We both got done eating in about five minutes and he started to do the dishes. I walked over to him. "Mitch, can I pleasssee help?" He chuckled and shook his head.
"I got this, babe! Go relax, you're sick." He said and I sighed. "You're lucky I don't feel like arguing right now." I said and went to sit on the couch. "Hey Kirstie!?" Mitch yelled from the kitchen. "Yeah?!" "Scott wants me to come over and film a video, do you wanna come?!" This is my chance to go to the doctor. "No, if I'm sick I don't wanna get Scott sick?!" I heard him sigh. "Okay!" He said. I started to watch TV. He came out of the kitchen and pecked my lips. "Hey, I'm gonna go get ready to go so I can get back okay?" "Okay." I said and continued to watch TV. He walked upstairs to our room and shut the door. This was my chance. I pulled out my phone and called the doctor. I got off the phone with them and my appointment is at eight. It was seven right now. After about ten minutes, Mitch came downstairs. "Okay, I'll be back around ten so I'll see you then. Love you!" He said and I stood up to give him a hug. "Love you too." I said and wrapped my arms around his neck and kissed him passionately. He did the same. I pulled away and let him go. "Bye sweet pea!" "Bye Mitchy!" I said and he left. I rushed upstairs to get ready. I jumped into the shower real quick and did my makeup. I just did concealer, foundation, and mascara though. I put on a t-shirt and skinny jeans with some converse. I walked downstairs and grabbed my coat and my purse then I walked out he door. I got in my car and drove to the doctor. Right now, I'm just praying that it's Mitch's.

~~~~~~~~~~~~After The Doctor~~~~~~~~~~~~

Oh. My. God. I'm a little over a month pregnant. It's Jeremy's baby. I'm driving home with tears threatening to spill from my eyes. I'm trying to hurry because it 9:45 right now and Mitch is suppose to be back at ten so I have to get my act together. I arrived at our house and luckily he wasn't there. I got inside quick and sat down on he couch and turned on the TV. About five minutes later Mitch walked in. "Hey! I'm home!" He said and took off his coat.
"Hey baby!" I said as he approached me. He sat beside me on the couch and kissed my cheek.
"Did you know that you're in the same position that you were in when I left, but the only difference is that you're not wearing pajamas?" He said and I laughed. "Well, did you know that I'm a lazy person?" I said, making him laugh. We talked and watched TV for a while, but I kept getting pulled into my thoughts. I'm going to have to get a little distant from him if I don't want him finding out. I mean I'm obviously gonna tell him, just not right now.

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