A Little Surprise

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One year later

It's been hard, I just can't deal with everything. Losing Lacy and not finding Rhea, it's definitely taking a toll on me. The only positive thing is that Killian and I seem to be getting a long. He keeps telling me to not give up on finding Rhea but I'm starting to give up hope.

The school I was working at decided to give me another chance so I was able to go back. Being around little ones doesn't help my situation but it honestly helps distract my mind. It was lunch time so all the little ones had gone to the cafeteria to go eat.

I was picking up all the materials we used for our math section and set out material we will use for our art section. Once I finished I sat back down at my desk and sighed. I pulled out Rhea's blanket from my drawer. I caressed it and put it back. It's been a year, my little Rhea is a year old and I wasn't able to celebrate her first birthday.

Life has been cruel to me and I'm scared that it might get worse. I put the blanket back inside the drawer and that's when I start to get dizzy. I shake my head and just sighed. I guess I'm tired and I need sleep. Minutes passed by and I see the kids walk in. I smile as the aids were helping them get to the seats and that's when I get the urge to throw up.

I ran outside and hurled. I looked up and I see Stacy one of my aids standing there with some napkins. "Emma are you ok?" I nod. "Yeah, I just..." And I throw up again. "Emma you don't look good.." I sigh as I cleaned my mouth. "We can take over while you sit down and relax class is ending in two hours." I nod.

"Thanks Stacy I really appreciate it." She smiles. "Of course Emma." We walked back inside and sure enough I sat down throughout the rest of those two hours until it was time for my little ones to go. I looked over at Rikki and Stacy as they were cleaning up and I smiled.

These two girls are simply adorable, they honestly help me out so much. I don't know what I would do without them. They finish cleaning and I start to gather up my things to leave. "Emma you should seriously think about taking a sick day tomorrow, we can take care of the class," Rikki says and I smile.

"I'll text you in the morning, I know I do have sick days but well I'll see." They both nod. "Well take care," they both say as I walked out of the classroom. I quickly walked to my car, got in and drove away. As I was driving I couldn't help but wonder why the hell was I feeling this way. I mean I didn't eat something that I don't usually eat, or did something to upset it.

I gasp when a thought came into my mind. No but it had been forever since Killian and I had been intimate. Well the last time we were intimate it was 5 weeks ago, I mean it's possible, I could be pregnant. The thought killed me so I had to know. I drove to the pharmacy and bought two pregnancy tests.

Once I got home I quickly took the tests. As I was waiting for the results my mind was taking over me. All these different thoughts were swarming my mind. I can't be pregnant, I haven't even found Rhea. I doubt Killian would want a child right now. Although he did say he wanted another one but he's so damn busy with the government that even though yes we are on good terms we rarely spend time with each other so a baby won't help.

I go over to the tests and they both come out positive. I stood there not knowing how to react. I didn't know if I should be happy, sad, or heartbroken. I went to the couch and started to cry. I felt guilty, I feel like I'm replacing Rhea. But something worse came into my mind. What if Regina and them try to steal this baby again? I cannot let that happen again.

I went and changed into some more comfortable clothes, grabbed my blanket and sat on the couch watching TV. Hours passed by and Killian comes home. He goes up to me, gives me a kiss then goes to change. Once he changed he came back and sat next to me.

"So how was your day?" He asks and I smile. "Good the kids were great." He smiles. "And yours?" He sighs. "Tedious but great." I nod. He leans next to me and I could tell he wanted be held. "Everything ok?" I ask as I hugged him. He sighs.

"Look I've been thinking, I know we haven't found Rhea and we won't give up hope, but Emma, I want another baby." I gasp. "Yeah maybe that's what we both need too, we need a little one, and no we are not replacing Rhea we are just making our family bigger." I started to cry.

"Emma you don't want to have a baby?" I shook my head. "Killian I'm pregnant." His eyes shot open. "What?" I nod. "I've been feeling sick these past few days but I had ignored them until today when I was throwing up like crazy." He smiles. "So we are having a little one?" I nod. He grabs me and kisses me.

We kiss with such passion that it made me go wild. I smiled once we let go. "I promise you that I won't let anything happen to this child Killian I promise." He smiles. "Don't worry Emma, together we will both protect our little one." He then gives me a smirk. "But in the mean time why don't we..." He says and picks me up.

He walks me to our bedroom and lays me on the bed. "I know we are not as intimate as before and I apologize for that my love." I nod. "But how about from now until the baby arrives we make up for that lost time?" I smiled. "I like the sound of that." He smiles and lays down on top of me and starts to kiss me. My did I miss this, I missed my husband, I missed being one with him.

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