I Do?

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I see as the security guards take Emma away and my heart is breaking. She broke my heart that day at the store and I promised to not go back with her but I didn't expect for her to crash my wedding. We continued with the ceremony and I was trying to forget about Emma. As the ceremony continued we go the "I do's."

"Milah, do you take Killian to be your husband? Will you love, honor, and cherish him, in good times and in bad, and do you promise to stay true to him as long as you both shall live?" The minister asks. "I do," she says as she smiles at me. "Killian, do you take Milah to be your wife? Will you love, honor, and cherish her, in good times and in bad, and do you promise to stay true to her as long as you both shall live?" The minister asks.

I stayed quiet. I thought of Emma and everything we'd gone through. What was I thinking, I had to go and get her. "I'm sorry but I can't," I say. Everyone gasps. "I'm sorry Milah but I love Emma with all my heart, I know I'm horrible for doing this but I truly apologize," I say.

I run down the aisle and run over to the security guards. "The woman that you guys took away did she say where she was going?" I ask. One of them shakes his head and the other one gasps, "I think I heard her say something about the beach, here in San Fransisco." I hugged them, "thank you so much," I said. They gave me a confused look and nodded.

I ran to my car and that's when I hear someone  screaming. "Killian get back here!" I hear my mom say. I give them a smirk and I drive away. My poor Emma must be so heart broken right now. I finally get there after 20 minutes and I go to the shore. I looked around and looked for a woman in a wedding dress. I ask people and they said they haven't seen anyone with a wedding dress.

I'm going crazy and a man with a cow boy hat walks up to me, "you looking for your love?" I nod. "She's on the east side of the beach, you'll see her there," he says. I hug the man, "thank you." He smiles, "ok hurry along and go get her." I smile and run off. I get to that spot and I see her. She's sitting on the sand and I can tell she is crying. I felt bad for doing that but I was just confused. I walked up to her and sit next to her.

Emma's POV
I'm sitting there crying like crazy. I felt like an idiot, I deserved this. I should have stayed with Graham but if I would have, I would have been unhappy. I'm being punished I thought to myself. I then feel someone sit next to me. "I'm sorry whoever you are but I would like to be left alone," I say.

The person chuckles. "I don't think that will be possible," I heard the voice say. I looked up and it was Killian. I smiled and then my smile faded. I dried my tears, "what are you doing here?" "Why do you think I'm here?" I shrug. "I don't know to tell me to bug off or something," I say. "I didn't marry Milah," he says. "What?"

He nods. "Yup I couldn't when I had my love waiting for me here," he said. "You're such a punk," I said as tears began to roll down my face. "I'm sorry," he says and sighs. I smile. He nudges me, "what?" He smiles and puts the veil back on my head. I get up and I start to walk away.

He walks up to me, "you know that I love you right?" "Well I don't know I mean earlier you told me that you didn't...." And he silences me with a kiss. I kiss him back and boy did my heart mend back together. I smile as I'm kissing him and he's just hugging me. I felt so loved. That's when we hear people around us start to clap and cheer. We let go and we smile. I see a man that smiled and tipped his hat to us.

They started to throw flower petals at us and Killian looked at me and smiled. "I love you Miss Emma Swan." I smiled, "And I love you Mister Killian Jones." He smiled and leaned in and kissed me again. I was so happy and life couldn't be better. "How about we get married next?" He asks with a smirk on his face.

I smile, "I definitely like the sound of that." He kisses me again and I couldn't help but cry. Killian let's go of me and has a concerned look on his face, "love what's wrong?" "I'm just so happy," I say. His concerned look changes and he smiles. "Oh my love," he says and hugs me. "I am happy too." I smile and we just stood there embraced in each other's arms.

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