Not Again

138 19 9

4 months later

I wake up and I hear Rhea crying in the crib next to me. I slowly get up and made my way towards the kitchen. I prepare a bottle for Rhea and made my way back up to the room. I picked her up and fed her the bottle. As soon as she starts to drink the milk she starts to close her eyes.

I walk over to the room where Emma's at and I sit down in the rocking chair by her bed. "Emma it was your turn to get up and feed her," I said and chuckled a bit. I looked at Emma not moving a single muscle and a tear rolls down my cheek. I can't believe my love is missing all these little moments.

Rhea let's go and I sit her up and start to pat her back. A minute passes by and she burps. I smile and so does she. I caress her cheek and she continues to smile. I pick her up and I start to rock her. Before I know it She is sound asleep. I hear her light snore and placed her next to Emma.

Even if Emma isn't awake she will be able to share moments with Rhea. Rhea then turns around and buries her face near Emma's chest. I smile at the sight of that but my heart breaks as well. Emma didn't deserve this, she deserved to be holding Rhea while falling asleep. We deserved to be bickering as to who gets up to feed Rhea this time.

Emma didn't even see Rhea's first real smile. This was all so unfair, but I guess no matter how many times we go back in time, Emma spending time with Rhea as a baby was never meant to be. At least I'm here with her and she's not with Cora and Gold.

That's when I hear a swoosh. I turn around and I see Regina. I sigh as I grabbed Rhea. "What are you doing here?" She gives me a scoff. "Even though the other life was fake, she's the reason why I live such an unhappy life now." I back away from her.

"Regina what are you talking about?" She goes up to Emma and chuckles. "So Rhea was taking the magic away from Emma." I stayed quiet. She then blasts some magic to Emma and she gasps as she wakes up. I scream. "No she will die if you wake her up before time." She chuckles.

"No she will watch you die trying to save Rhea." I gave her a weird look she then comes towards me with a sword. I grabbed the chair and blocked her while still holding Rhea in my arms. I try to leave the room but she put a spell so I can't leave. I look at Rhea and she is still sound asleep.

Emma is sitting there confused as can be. I'm still fighting off Regina and she stabs my side twice. I cry out and that's when Rhea opened her eyes. I fell to my knees and Regina laughed wickedly. I look down at Rhea and she gives me a smile. "I love you too my little love," I say and I kissed her forehead. "Take care of mommy for me ok?" She giggles and I smile while a tear rolled down my cheek.

I held her tight as I see Regina about to stab me one more time. I brace for the stab and she starts to choke. I look down at Rhea and she has her hand out. I gasp. Then I look over at Emma and she's smiling. She's back.

"I got it from here my little love," Emma says and Rhea releases Regina. She falls and starts to catch her breath. Emma stands in front of Rhea and I and she smiles. "I will not let you hurt my family ever again." She snickers. "Please Emma, I'm more powerful than you," Regina says in a cocky tone.

Emma chuckles and blasts her with magic and Regina screams then starts to laugh. "Your magic is weak Emma," She says then blasts Emma with magic and Emma falls to the ground. Rhea is seeing everything and I see her starting to cry. Uh oh.

She then cries out and magic shoots out from her and hits Regina. Regina falls to the ground and breaks her arm in the process. I quickly go to Emma but she's passed out. Rhea looks down at her and she begins to whimper.

I try to soothe Rhea but I can tell she's mad and scared. Regina gets up and I stand over Emma. "Leave my family alone Regina." She waves her hand and her arm is fixed. "Never." She spits out and that's when Rhea lets out another cry but this time only Regina is suffering from her cry.

Regina is covering her ears but I could see that her ears are bleeding. She waves her hand and scoffs. "This isn't the last time you will hear from me, I will come back and I will destroy your happiness if it's the last thing I do." She says and poofs away.

I smile as I look down at Rhea. She claps her hands and I smile. She knew what she did. I quickly run over to Emma and she's still on the ground. I try to move her so she could wake up. I then hear a groan and she starts to get up. I smile.

She then looks at me and smiles. "Wait it's been 2 years?" I shake my head. "4 months love." She smiles and gives me a kiss. She backs away and smiles. "Well the only good thing Regina did was wake me up." I nod.

That's when Rhea starts to clap and I smile. "Look little love, this is your mommy." Emma's eyes tear up. "Come on Rhea," Emma says and Rhea smiles. Emma smiles as well. Rhea then goes and buries face in Emma's chest. Emma smiles and grabs my hand. "Im back with my two loves." I smile. "Yes you are." She smiles. "And Whatever comes our way, we will fight it together Killian." I smiled.

"That's right love because family always sticks together."

The End

Thank you guys so much for reading my story. It was so awesome writing and going on this journey with you guys. I might do a epilogue chapter so you guys can see where they are at. ❤️ I love you guys so much and take care!! Never let Captain Swan die!



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