Chapter 15

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For the rest of November, Evelyn seemed to be another person. Accepting that she was friends with Charlotte brought out something in her, and she wanted to become a better person. She never knew that having a friend was such a joy, and she enjoyed being around Charlotte. In her previous life, she was always alone; but now, she never wanted to know that feeling again.

So, Evelyn had become more active in the community. She had started playing guitar for the convalescent home, and she raked leaves for various neighbors. She even volunteered at the Salvation Army. Evelyn found out that when she was taking the time to help others, peacefulness surrounded her like a warm blanket. Maybe, this was what Charlotte was trying to explain. Serenity and a happiness that she couldn't explain enveloped her soul making it glow like a burning ember. To be honest, Evelyn enjoyed the feeling; and she wanted to feel it every single day.

It was Saturday morning, and Evelyn was heading to the store to pick up a few items. As she walked towards the building, she saw Chadwick standing behind a table selling a variety of items.

"What are you doing?" Evelyn asked.

"Oh, hey! This is for the Greater Good Services. We're selling these items to raise money, so that we can help those in need. Would you like a bracelet?"

Evelyn looked at the items, but she didn't see anything that she wanted. "No, but I would like to donate. Is that okay?"

"Yeah! Thank you so much!"

Evelyn dug in her purse and grabbed her wallet and looked inside. She did some quick calculations of how much she would need for the store and handed him a ten. "Here. I hope that you get more than what you need."

"Thanks, and have a blessed day."

Evelyn just smiled in return and headed inside.

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