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Messages between Cary Grant 👊 and Jimmy Stewart 👊

Cary Grant 👊
Where are you man?

Jimmy Stewart 👊
Hey sorry Seb I was talking to some of the stunt crew about tomorrow's action scene.
What do you need?

Cary Grant 👊
I need to tell you something

Jimmy Stewart 👊
Okay what is it?

Cary Grant 👊
I'm in love with Carla.
I have been since we filmed the apparition together in 2012.
I'm sorry I didn't tell you sooner Chris and I know how you feel about her and I'm sorry for getting in the way at all, but I just can't help but be in love with her. Surely you get that?
I'm really sorry Chris.
I'm also sorry for commenting those things on Instagram and trying to cause problems in you and Carla's relationship.
I've been a terrible friend to both you and her and I'm sorry.

Jimmy Stewart 👊
Jesus Christ Seb
I don't even know what to say
Have you told Carla?

Cary Grant 👊
Yeah I told her earlier and she kind of freaked out and hopped in her car and drove away

Jimmy Stewart 👊
Wait what?
Is that why she hasn't been calling me back?
Sebastian what if she got in crash?

Cary Grant 👊
I'm so sorry Chris
I'm sure she's alright

Jimmy Stewart 👊
Jesus Seb
I'm going to look for her
Read at 8:21 PM

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