9| The Set Up

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Carla flipped down the visor of her car with a snap, staring her reflection in the small mirror with a look that was something close to determination.

"Don't let them get to you, Carla. You're a boss ass bitch and you don't need anyone's approval," She said quietly to herself, nodding approvingly as she flipped the visor back up before starting the car.

Carla had just seen the articles written about her in OK! and usually this type of tabloid nonsense didn't phase her at all but, when it came to this new Marvel gig...it was different.

Carla hadn't had a roll quite like this one in all her years of acting and it was really important to her. However, nobody else seemed to have any sort of positive view on it. Her costars were great, and her family and friends were ever so supportive yet, the fans and the media didn't seem to be as encouraging.

People were more caught up on what she was wearing or who she was dating than the movie she was actually in and what she thought about it. Even when she did get questions that deterred from the those subjects, they were usually about what she thought of her other cast mates.

Carla shook her head and slipped on her aviators, turning up the music playing in her cassette as she did so. "Snap out of it, Carls. You're better than this. You aren't petty and you don't give a shit about what people think of you. You're lucky enough to have landed this roll, so quit feeling sorry for yourself!"

As Carla drove, she couldn't help but let her mind wander to Chris.

Yes, Christopher Robert Evans. The man who could make any woman's panties drop just by introducing himself.

Chris was a great guy, and Carla adored working with him. There was only one problem...he seemed to dislike being near her.

It was kind of odd to say the least. He seemed to love hanging out with her in a big group, but the moment it was just the two of them he got quiet and aloof and make up some excuse to leave.

And then there was the fact that the rest of the cast was taking everything totally out of context. Whenever the cast would hang out between scenes, Chris would jokingly flirt with Carla, and she, of course, would do the same to him.

Anthony and Sebastian, though?

They seemed to think that a little harmless flirting was an automatic marriage proposal or something. It was the same with Harper and Bea.

Maybe it was because the majority of the cast was in some sort of relationship except for Chris and Carla so they immediately thought that the two should get together?

Carla groaned, rubbing her temples as she stopped at a red light. She was over thinking this.

The café was just around the corner and Carla pulled into the lot, parking her car in the first available spot. 

Other than her dog and cat, the thing Carla loved most in the world was her car. It was a 1954 Nash Metropolitan with a gleaming red pain job and white walls. Despite the fact that there was little to no air conditioning and the heat would only turn on if you punched the dash, Carla adored her car, whom she named Cherry Garcia.

(Because it was red and for a while all she played in the car was her parents' old Grateful Dead cassettes. Plus she loved the Ben & Jerry's ice cream flavor. Nobody seemed to appreciate her pun when she named her car.)

Carla got out of the car and walked towards the café, swinging her purse as she went and trying to look as inconspicuous as possible to try an avoid any possible paparazzi that could be lurking around the corner.

She heard her phone ding and reached into her purse to see who texted her.

It was from Harper.

Harpz 😈
We r at the table with the blue and yellow striped umbrella near the window to the left
Read at 3:57 pm

Carla looked up from her phone and spotted the table not to far away. She made her way over to go sit down but, when she got there, she saw the last person she would expect sitting there, staring at a menu.

She knew who it was before he even looked up. She clenched her knuckles when she realized Harper had totally set this up.

It was Chris.

And he looked just as surprised to her as she did him.

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