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Yesterday, Twitter was abuzz over the fact that there would be three new characters in Captain America: Civil War. Casted as the still unannounced characters are Carla Moore, Harper Milton, and Beatrice Elton.

We sat down with actress Carla Moore to discuss her new roll in the highly anticipated Captain America: Civil War, which is set to premiere world wide April 12th, 2016 in the Los Angeles and will be released to theaters in the U.S. on May 6th, 2016.


It's been a while since People magazine has last interviewed you! So catch us up! Other than Captain America: Civil War, what other projects have you been working on?

It has been a while! And I've been relatively busy to say the least! I did a few movies, such as Wish I Was Here, Kristy, Burying The Ex, and Staten Island Summer. All of which were really fun to work on and now I'm excited to star in such a big name and exciting movie!

That's great! Can you tell us anything about your character in Civil War?

Sadly, no. *laughs* Marvel is pretty secretive about things. Hopefully, the fans like the character.

I'm sure they will. You worked on a movie back in 2012 called The Apparition with Sebastian Stan. He's also starring as Bucky Barnes/The Winter Soldier in Civil War. Are you excited to work with him again?

I'm majorly excited! I love Sebastian and can't wait to work with him and the rest of the cast!

What about Harper Milton and Beatrice Elton? Have you meet them yet?

I have actually! Just yesterday we met up and had lunch to talk about Civil War and everything. They're great girls and I think we're gonna be good friends.

You starred in the mega-successful Twilight franchise as Alice Cullen. Are you hoping that this new superhero character will help you break away from Twilight and help you create a new image?

Hmmm...That's a difficult question to answer. Twilight really was my big break and I would hate to stomp all over it but of course I think that a new character is good. Let's just say that I want to create a new image as a new character without people forgetting about Alice completely.

Interesting. Well that's all the questions we have! Thanks for coming!

Thanks for having me!


Well there you have it folks! Carla Moore is epically excited about playing the roll of a superhero! As are we!

Remember that Captain America: Civil War hits theaters on May 6th, 2016.

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