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Messages between Sebby 🐻 and Carla 🔥

Carla 🔥
I saw the article
Or one of them at least. There was already at least ten online.
The media works fast

Sebby 🐻
Carla what's going on?
I'm not trying to be annoying about you and Chris this time. I'm seriously worried about everything

Carla 🔥
Look Seb nothing could ever work out between me and Chris even if we tried.
Who knows if we'll ever even see each other after Civil war is done filming. It's safer to never let it happen, then have it start and completely backfire before we even get that far into the relationship.
I care about Chris too much to hurt him like that

Sebby 🐻
But how do you know that if you aren't even willing to try?
Look, you and Chris are both some of my best friends, and I hate seeing you both so hurt.
Read at 8:27

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