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Messages between Carla 😉 and Dorito ☺️🇺🇸

Chris ☺️🇺🇸
Hey Carla can we talk?

Carla 😉
Sure. What about?

Chris ☺️🇺🇸
About us

Carla 😉
I should've known that was coming

Chris ☺️🇺🇸
I wasn't expecting that reaction
Are we in the same place?

Carla 😉
That depends
Where are you?

Chris ☺️🇺🇸
Well I mean we did kind of tell each other our feelings the other day and had a make out session in the park so I assumed that meant we'd start dating now.
But since we haven't talked in days and you've barely made eye contact with me on set I'm guessing you don't feel the same way I do

Carla 😉
Look Chris, I like you a lot. I really do. I just feel like I'm not ready for a relationship right now. Let's just wait things out and see how it goes.

Chris ☺️🇺🇸
Okay if that's what you want
Well did you want to go get coffee with me tomorrow? We have a day off from filming

Carla 😉
Yeah that sounds nice
Pick me up at 10?

Chris ☺️🇺🇸
Yeah I'll see you then
Read at 7:17 pm

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