scene kid child

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this entire book is basically devolving into rants with no capitalisation and no grammar, which is sick

i think you can probably tell which one of us is writing this 



so the same friend from the last chapter (if you haven't read it, do that now) wasn't super great at dealing with her emotions. and hey, what do you do if you have no idea how to process your feelings, leading to depression and isolation from everyone who once loved you?

you become an emo.

well, technically, i guess she's more of a scene kid. 

basically, after i moved away (you can definitely tell who this is now ha), this girl started getting weird. 

she was already weird actually

im not doing so well


anyway, she started listening to all this really bad emo music. no, i'm not talking about panic! at the disco or black veil brides. i don't mind them.

i'm talking fucjigb blood on the dance floor.

if you don't know what that is, it's basically a band that's famous for emo music. not just for emo music, actually. for the worst emo music of all time.



Okay so, as her friend I was genuinely concerned for this girl. I tried my best to entertain her and be a cool friend who gave her hugs often. I introduced her to Fire Emblem and Mogeko games and drew and laughed with her. I SWEAR I TRIED MY BEST TO BE A GOOD DESPITE BEING THE AWKWARD TURTLE I AM.

Apart from the emo media. Google + specifically. Yes, people actually use that website (I used to use it a lot, but that's a story for another day). Okay, so, G+ has this thing called communities where you can join and post things and find people with common interests. But boyyyyyyyy

This is the Internet.



There is a depression community. I'm sure the people who started this mean well and want to give out support with people who are depressed, and I understand that. But honestly at this point it's just a place for self pity. 

Our friend has posted a picture of an anime boy with a gun against his head. Yeah.


There was the typical "nuuuu bby we love you don't do this things will get butter bbu"

And there was the "Hah, attention whore kys"

And there was that one guy. That one FREAKING guy. The post is now deleted but I'll write down what I remember from it, or at least what I think it said.

"Hah, nice day to you young lady. I'm guessing you have a dark side too?"
"Well, here's one of mine"

and the dude sends a picture of some creepy pasta or some shit lmao

and yes she sent one back and was like "here's mine,,,"

and he was like "you're cool, let's talk on hangouts. I'll send you more of my dark sides xD"

I'm glad she made a friend but jesus christ

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