500 Girls Screaming: Girls for the Cure

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Well, on this week's episode of Bamby Tales, we shall be discussing a beautiful, wondrous time. That time is not this time.

We shall today be discussing a lovely thing that happened/ we wish didn't happen. Well, actually, it wasn't that bad. We got to listen to music and stuff.

Unfortunately, to get to the music, you had to walk 5 kilometres each way. Up a mountain. With really hard gravel and stuff. Which is bad with for people with orthotics. Which is bad for me. I am 4B. This is my story.


2B and I were walking with Lexus Ackerman and some of our other friends that day. (You know who you are.)  We were discussing making our own Sealand. This Sealand in particular was a table at the back of the cafeteria. We named it "New Sealand". Like New Zealand, but better. It even had a flag and stuff. The flag was just a table with the Sealand colours on it.

It was a rather disappointing flag, really.

Back to the topic.

We were discussing Sealand and stuff, and then we sung a song about it, like people do in musicals. It was strange, cause we don't even like musicals, yet somehow we decided to make our own.

We looked ahead. The road kept going, and kept going, and kept going, and kept going, and kept going, and kept going, and kept going, and kept going, and kept going, and kept going, and kept going, and kept going, and kept going, and kept going, and kept going, and kept going, and kept going, and kept going, and kept going, and kept going, and kept going, and kept going, and kept going, and kept going, and kept going, and kept going, and kept going, and kept going, and kept going, and kept going, and kept going... and kept going.

We were at our last breaths. The road kept going. Our feet crunched against the gravel of the path laid out for us. Yet, somehow we knew that we couldn't give up. We had to reach our destiny- to raise funds for breast cancer all over the world.

None of us even raised that much money.


Hello. I am 2B. I will be commenting on myself because 4B is asleep (Damnit time zones). Actually, I'll be finishing this chapter. Also I'm not as funny as her so deal with it.


Probably the best part was when we got sorbet. (In case you didn't know what it is....it's....google it, lazy ass.) There were a few times when 4B and I lost each other and screamed out each other's names like old couples. Like Romeo and Juliette. Though I don't think they screamed out their names. Screw old England. Well, we couldn't hear a thing, even when yelling so everything was pointless. It's like you're trapped in a deep, dark hole, but not that. More like a mountain with too much light and it feels like -15° Celsius and it was really fucking windy. By the way, we were wearing our gym uniform cough cough shorts cough short sleeves and cOUGH LOUDNESS. Though the city's most popular radio station was there so that's cool too. There were a few tears when some women told their stories of when they fought again breast cancer.

I forgot to mention that there was a parody, made by different schools each year. They made us sing it like it was the best song ever. Not the song Best Song Ever, but literally. They made us scream too much, which explained why 4B had lost her voice at the end. We jumped too much and most of our legs are sore. Woohoo! Girls for the Cure.

Meet us next time on our next chapter: Bambi and Our Username.

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