"Sure. Well hope you feel better."

"Yea me too."

She walked off. Well that was interesting. Maybe she will get better. I keep walking and I felt something grab me.

"Let go."

My voice slipped and I sounded like a girl. I turned to see who grab me.

"Nagisa? Why do you sound like a chick?"


My face heat up from being so embarrassed.

"Yes Nagisa?"

He had that teasing in his voice. How am I going to tell him?


"Your what?"

I looked at my phone.

"I'm going to be late for class."

I said and ran off. Really I wasn't but I wasn't ready to tell Karma just yet.

Karma pov

Nagisa took off running. I check my phone and see that he still had time. Something is off about him today. Also his voice change. Has something happen to Nagisa yesterday in the cave? I started getting pissed.

'Hmm. Good thing I'm not skipping school today. Since Nagisa have some explaining to do.'

I check my phone and started heading to class.

'I will get my answer Nagisa.'

Kayano pov

After talking to Nagisa, I actually went to the doctor even tho I know he won't be able to fix this. This is the worst day ever! How is it I'm changing into a guy? I get it that I'm flat chested, but this doesn't help the problem. When I got to the doctor, I had to wait a long time since there was some sick people and people with injuries. After about a few hours past by, the nurse told me that the doctor will see me. I got up and followed the nurse to the room.

"Miss. Kayano, I need you to wait here and the doctor will be here in a little while."

I nodded my head since e I didn't feel like talking to her. I sat on the bed waiting for the doctor. After I few mintures have gone by, the doctor came in. It was a girl with a big burst. She made me a bit mad, but I got over it since I have bigger things to deal with.

"So Kayano? Why are you here?"

"Doc I have a problem."

My voice sounded like a guy and the doctor freaked out.

"You sound like a man!"

"That's because I've some how got turned into a man! I don't know how, but I just am. Do you think you can help me?"

"Umm I don't think I can Kayano. How about you tell me what happened before the changes started happening?"

I nodded my head and told her about what happened, beside the part where me and Nagisa get a freebie to kill the teacher or even killing the teacher. The doctor just listened to the whole story.

"So think you can try to fix me?"

"I'm sorry Kayano, but there is nothing I can do. You are going to be stuck like that for the rest of your life."

Why am I a Girl!! (Karmagisa fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now