Draco bit at his cheeks and furrowed his eyebrows together as he stepped into the hall. He waited about five minutes to actually attempt to apparate.
Once he did, he found himself in a completely different spot he was supposed to be in.
"Bloody hell!" He cursed from the hall.

"Need help?" I asked, trying to hold back my laughter.

"I don't need your help!"

Draco then tried again, but failed miserably. He ended up leaving his ear behind and we had to get our professor to reattach it.
"Draco, can I please just help you?" I asked again. It was honestly driving me crazy.

"You called me Draco." He stated confused, then he crossed his arms in front of his chest.

"That's your name isn't it?" I replied.

He nodded slowly, "Yeah...Just what am I doing wrong?"

I came closer to Malfoy and explained the situation.
"You need to clear your mind. It doesn't work if you aren't calm. And I surely can tell you're not calm."

"I am calm!"

I cocked an eyebrow at his response, "Right. Anyways, next you have to visualize the place you're trying to travel to. Vividly see yourself in that room. When I feel ready, I usually take deep breaths before I actually travel."

Draco sighed and waved his arm towards the doorway, "Fine. Go back in the room."

I did as I was told and went back into the room, waiting. I think he was concentrating really hard because he took quite some time before he apparated into the room. When he did, he ended up being extremely close to me! So close that he actually tripped, causing us both to fall. When we fell, I grabbed onto him to brace my fall and thankfully, we flipped over and I landed on top of him instead of the floor!

"You think you're hurting?" He snapped at me in disgust.
Draco looked up at me with this strange look on his face. I was so concentrated on trying to read his emotion that I forgot I was even laying on him!
"Are you going to get up? Come on, Granger I'm not into you like that."

Quickly, I composed myself and rolled off of him, standing up. I could feel my cheeks getting hot with embarrassment.
"I-I sorry." I stammered, "I didn't mean-"

"You don't have to explain yourself." He smirked, "A lot of girls get that way around me."

"What is that supposed to mean?!" I asked in disgust.

"It's not your fault you enjoyed being all over me." He chuckled, "I'm sorry to tell you though, Granger, you really aren't my type."

"As if you're mine!" I exclaimed.
I could feel my face turning an even deeper shade of pink as I thought of the idea of Malfoy and I.

"Oh right, I forgot! You're into dirt poor, red-headed, blood traitors." He snapped, then he turned on his heels and went right back into the Great Hall where the rest of the class was.

That-that jerk! Who does he think he is?! As if I would ever be into him!
I couldn't stand Malfoy! He had always been such a twit, but I guess I had forgotten how annoying he was!

When I made my way back into the Great Hall, Harry and Ron were waiting for me.
"Mione, you two actually made it through a lesson without killing each other." Ron joked.

"Barely." I told them, "I never want to partner with him again!"

Later that evening as I was studying in the common room, I felt someone come plop beside me on the couch.
"Hermione." Ginny smiled, "Did you hear?"

"Hear what?" I asked, not looking up from my book.
What now, Ginny? I'm clearly busy.

"About the ball of course!" She exclaimed, "Do you think Harry might ask me?"

Ugh. The ball. Here we go...
"Oh. Yes I know about the ball." I replied looking up at her, "I'm sure Harry would love asking you. Seeing as you two are so in love."

"We are not." She laughed, rolling her eyes.

Mhm. Sure.
"I don't think I'm going."

"What?!" She exclaimed, "No! Hermione, you have to go. It'll be so fun. Remember the Yule Ball?"

"Of course I do. My night ended terribly because of your idiot brother."
I had been wanting Ron to ask me to the ball, but of course he didn't. He never does anything. I gave him plenty of opportunities to ask me...Yet he still had the nerve to get angry and jealous when I was asked by someone else. He's so confusing. Boys in general are confusing.

"Oh. Right." Ginny said, "Well, I think you should go. Any guy would love to go with you!"

"With me?" I asked confused.

"Of course! They all saw you two years ago, you looked stunning! You still do!" She exclaimed, then took my hand, "Please go."

I sighed deeply before squeezing her hand tightly, "If someone asks me, then I'll go. But I'm not waiting on anyone this time."

"Great! I can't wait!" She smiled and with that she hurried off into her room.

Was I the only one not excited for this ball? For one it was an entire month away, and dressing up isn't everything. Sure, I loved looking great for the Yule Ball, but now I don't have a reason to go.
Do it for Cedric.
Oh! Why did I have to think of that.
I guess I should...for Cedric.

After my decision I collected my things and headed to my room. It was a bit late, around nine o'clock now, and I felt myself getting tired.  Before I settled into bed, however, a phoenix distracted me. It was Dumbledore's phoenix, Fawks.

"Fawks?" I muttered as I got up towards the window. When I opened it, he dropped a letter into my hand. "Thank you." I told him, petted him a bit, then he flew off.

What could this be?
On the front of the letter my name was written in beautiful cursive writing. I knew it was from Dumbledore.
Anxiously, I ripped open the letter and read it carefully.

Miss Granger,
I must ask a favor from you. If you could please join me in my office tomorrow morning before your first class, I would be very grateful.
Thank you, and good night.

Dumbledore wants me?
What could he possibly want?
Am I getting an award?
Will I be Head Girl next year?
So many thoughts ran through my head before bed that night.
I fell asleep thinking of the many possibilities to come the next morning.

Howdy guys! I'm starting a new fanfic, let me know what you think!


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