In A Daze

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It was a snowy day at Hogwarts; the grounds were completely covered in white. The creatures that normally roamed over the school were no where in sight due to the cold weather. The lake was just starting to freeze over, and the owls were hooting in delight. Seeing Hogwarts like this made me happy and relaxed. It reminded me of Christmas at home and how close it was. Yet, at this moment I was not happy and relaxed.
Professor McGonagall had just announced we would be having yet another ball in about a months time, and I was freaking out.
Krum isn't here this time, who will ask me? Will anyone even want to take me?
Why do we need to have a ball anyways?
Maybe I just shouldn't go.
Cedric Diggory's father wanted to host this ball in Cedric's honor, which I do love, but it just stresses me out. I'm not too sure if boys are even into me. I'm not too sure if I'm even girlfriend material.

"Hermione?" Harry asked, snapping me out of my thoughts.

"Huh?!" I exclaimed, almost jumping out of my seat.
We were sitting in the Great Hall, using our free time to study.

"What's gotten into you? You've been in a daze all day."

I shrugged my shoulders lightly and looked down at my textbook, "I-I don't know. I guess I'm just tired. I've done loads of studying all week."

"Of course you have." He teased, then went back to studying his potions book.

Him and that damn book, I swear.
"Harry, I still think you ought to get rid of that book." I told him sternly, "It could be filled with dark magic!"

"But it isn't." He stated, "It's done nothing but help me all year."

I let out an annoyed sigh before returning my attention back to my studies.
Harry can be so hard headed.

After our study time was over, Harry and I got ready for our apparation class. I had already practically mastered apparation, but the rest of the class hadn't.
"Today we are pairing up. If I can't teach you anything, maybe your fellow students can." Our professor stated. He was from the Ministry of Magic.  "I'll be assigning the partners."

Ron and Harry looked nervously towards me as if they had hoped to be paired with me.
"Potter and Albert. Parkinson and Clearwater...."
He called out names one by one until he reached the last two names on the list.
"Granger and Malfoy."

Lovely. Just wonderful.
The entire room snickered at the thought of us being paired together.
I don't blame them! I could hardly believe it myself!

"Alright, go!" Our professor shouted.

Tentatively, I made my way towards Malfoy. He was leaning against the stone wall looking quite annoyed.
"Well..." I started, "We're stuck together I guess."

"Sadly." He snapped back, rolling his eyes, "Absolutely ridiculous."

Our assignment was pretty simple. We needed to apparate into a specific area within the castle and our partner would evaluate us. Malfoy and I were assigned to the hall where we were supposed to apparate into the room across from us.
I was handling the situation very well, but Malfoy on the other hand was very defiant in being my partner.
"I would rather fail this class than work with you." He kept saying.

"I'm not too fond of you either, Malfoy, but if you want to pass your aparation test, I suggest you get over yourself and cooperate."

Draco groaned, "So be it. You go first."

Fine. I'll show you how it's done.
Swiftly, I moved into the hallway and began focusing on my task.
Visualize the place.
Then with a CRACK I disapperated and apparated into the room with Malfoy.
I opened my eyes and looked towards him, shrugging my shoulders, "Your turn."

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