Jamie the asshole Alpha 14

Start from the beginning

We rounded the corner into the living room to see the pair, Jamie had made himself at home in one of the couches, his tall frame still looked tense in its position, but something told me that this is the normal for him. His bright hazel eyes flicked towards us the second we entered, hazel eyes tend to look warm to me, but on him they looked almost like glass, hard and uncaring, his other features weren't much better, what would normally be considered a soft face was far from it with what appeared to be a natural frown.
the beautiful girl on his lap must have been Maddie, her soft brown eyes warmed up the rest of her pale face, but pale defiantly didn't mean unattractive, her perfectly shaped face slightly covered by long dark blond hair, her frame was tiny in comparison to his, and she sat stiffly in his lap, like if she had a choice she would be nowhere near him.

"Jamie, what do we owe the pleasure" William asked sounding almost sarcastic. I looked up at him to see his expression almost mirrored Jamie's the difference was that William was hot when he frowned.

Jamie smirked at Will "oh, Alpha William, it's good to see you healthy" his cold eyes flicked to me, looking me up and down without much care, "and is this your new fuck buddy?" he asked a biting tone making it's way into his words, and they hurt, new fuck buddy?

"she is mine, her name is Addison" William said, I didn't miss the fact that he referred to me as his, it made my wolf happy, but it made me feel like an object. "she is off limits" he added, he didn't bother to wait for Jamie's reply as he pulled me over to a couch facing Jamie's spot. William pulled me down so I was sitting on his lap, his arms wrapped around my waist to pull me tightly against him.

My eyes made contact with Maddie, who still looked uncomfortable, but she gave me a smile, I felt bad for the girl, she had such a terrible mate, it was obvious by the way she reacted to his touch, the one person that she was supposed to love and need for the rest of her life and she could barely stand sitting on his lap.

"are we discussing matters here? Or in your office?" Jamie asked, his voice full of confidence, like he owned the place. I had to stop myself from scoffing at his words, who does he think he is?

"I don't want you that close to where my mate lives." William told Jamie. It was a offhanded reply but it seemed to be something to smile about according to Maddie, because he soft face burst into a wide smile, her straight white teeth on display in the most stunning smile I had ever seen.

"you are yet to meet my mate, Maddison" Jamie quickly changed the subject. "she is lovely, isn't she?" he asked his tone sounding like he was trying to compliment the girl in his lap, but he must have failed cause the smile on her face dropped and her head turned down so that her hair was covering her face.

"beautiful" I replied, even if the question wasn't directed at me, I was starting to feel like I was here to sit and look pretty, and I hate it when girls do that. Her face turned up to look at me though locks of thick blond hair, she smiled lightly at me.

Maddie tried to stand up from her spot, but Jamie pulled her right back down, what sounded like a growl escaped from his lips, but it was like nothing I had heard from a werewolf before, it confused me.

"Maddie, would you help me make tea, if we are having this meeting here then I'm sure we could all do with a drink." I said, pulling lightly out of William hold so I could stand on my feet. I wanted to talk to Maddie, I want to know why she is so afraid of her mate.

"I would love to help" she told me her voice happy, she then turned to look at Jamie, who's frown deepened as he studied her face, like he was debating if he should let her get up. After a minute, he gave one curt nod and released his arms from around her. She quickly stood up and moved over to where I was standing, I smiled at her before leading the way out of the room.

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