Madeline: "The First Detention"

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I call my goodbyes to Isabal and Cat, walking through common room entrance disguised as a wall. I head up the dungeon steps, wandering through the hallway before realizing a vital piece of information Amanda didn't mention. Where is Dumbledore's office?

I turn round a sharp corner, changing my mind and heading in the opposite direction. McGonagall's office. I'll have to ask her where the headmaster is.


Approaching the sharp professor McGonagall doesn't seem like a smart move after what me and Luka did. We could get in so much trouble. Still, what else can I do? I shrug my shoulders to get myself to relax. I raise my hand to the small, slightly broken door, but before I can knock I hear voices. Never does one miss an opportunity to eavesdrop.

I kneel down to the keyhole, pressing my eye close so that I can see into the room, silently listening. The office is a quite small room and almost empty, the only furniture being a large desk and chair. There is only one window that allows perfect view of the courtyard that we use for flying lessons. McGonagall stands behind the desk, her daughter Sasha seated in front of her. McGonagall's fingers clutch her graying hair as she tries to appear calm.

"Mother, why can't you arrange something? It's a dark time, people need something to smile about."

"Are you saying the pranksters had the right idea?" McGonagall retorts harshly, "Anything to make everyone laugh, even at professor Snape's expense?"

"Maybe," Sasha admits, "Though that was not my intended meaning. These pranksters didn't seem malicious, I mean, no one was hurt."

"So I should encourage this behavior? This- bullying- this- mistreatment of professors- because it made everyone 'feel better'? You know how I feel about respect and order."

Sasha smiles. "Yet you found it amusing."

McGonagall's face becomes red. "My personal opinions should not influence my duties."

"Professor Snape isn't quite the one for 'justice' and 'equality' though is he?" her daughter comments. "He favors those Slytherins."

"Are you saying he had it coming for him, Sasha? That's not how I raised you."

"I'm not saying he deserves it, although as this is just between the two of us, he does," Sasha says, "I'm just saying he's unfair. You could let your standards slip every once in a while."

McGonagall scowls disapprovingly and straightens her tight bun. "If everyone 'let their standards slip' we'd have a world filled with very-" As if realizing who she's talking to, the Gryffindor head of house decides not to finish her sentence the way she originally planned. "We'd get no where."

Sasha smiles. "Maybe, but you're just one person not the world. I'm not saying you have to let any 'standards slip', I'm just saying it will be a big success in these times. People need to 'let their hair down' and have some fun." Both mother and daughter seem to disapprove of the term 'let your hair down' both wearing tight buns and looking like they've never 'let their hair down' in their lives. "Think of how much people loved the triwizard tournament! It will be just like that!"

McGonagall sighs. "I'll see what I can do."

"You're the best!" Sasha exclaims with another smile, picking up a stack of books. "If you'll excuse me mother, I have homework, studying and tidying to do."

McGonagall nods, then glances in the direction of the clock. "It's nearly ten o'clock! Sasha, curfew was ages ago! Why didn't you remind me?" Sasha gathers her books at a faster pace.

"Lost track of time! Thanks again!" Sasha rushes to the door. Leaping up, I push the door open before she can.

"Professor!" I shout, in a feigning a hasty scramble into the office, "I was going to detention but I don't know where Dumbledore's office is, which is where my detention is, so I ran here and- Was I interrupting something?" I have to fight hard to keep myself from smiling at McGonagall and Sasha's matching scowls of disapproval.

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