Amanda: "The non-existent Kneazle Club"

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"First years! First years! First years!" Hagrid's call brings smiles of recognition to those of us that have been going her for a while. I smile as well. Four years ago I was one of them. Now I'm a fifth year and respected prefect. It's strange to think that I was once a new student here too. This feels too much like home, the home that I never really had.

 I notice a familiar first year, unmoving even though she must hear the shouts. Madeline Malfoy. I sigh to myself, she seems like a trouble maker already, no doubt to be in Slytherin with her brother. I stride towards her. It is my duty to figure her out, and find out what's wrong. "Malfoy, Why are you not joining the other first years?" I ask. My voice surprises her, I see her flinch. She continues to stare at the door of the train.

"My friends aren't with the first years."

"That's no concern of yours, I'm asking about you Miss Malfoy." I remind her sternly. Prefects should be stern and strict, but fair too.

"That's not what I meant. I think they're still on the train. I haven't seen them since my brother asked me to meet with him." A look of guilt glimmers in her eyes. "I asked them to look for something while I was in the prefect compartment with Draco so that I'd have it when I got off the train."

"What were they looking for?" I question suspiciously. It seems like an odd story.

"My license." Madeline informs me, "I need it."

"A license? What sort of license would you need at your age?" I inquire, raising my eyebrows and adjusting my tone to inflict a slight disbelief.

"I have a Kneazle license. Kneazles are magical creatures that can be difficult to control so you need a license to own one." Madeline explains. This statement seems true enough, she doesn't appear to be lying to me.

"Do you own one?" I ask.

"Yes, why else would I need a license? To allow me into some secret Kneazle fan-club party that just happens to be occurring right now?" She answers sarcastically with an eye roll.

"You keep up that attitude and you'll be in detention Miss Malfoy." I retort. "You can take a quick look on the train and I'll tell Hagrid and the driver to hold up." Madeline nods.

"Sorry for...  bugging you I guess. Thanks for the help." Then she's gone. I watch her step on the train as I do so I notice a flash of purple. I focus my gaze to her pocket and know instantly what I'm looking at. I manage to glimpse the letters: M.O.M

Ministry of Magic. It's her license. The shock shakes me slightly as I realize something. She was lying. "Wait! Madeline!" But she's already gone.

(A Harry Potter Fanfiction) Just Add MagicWhere stories live. Discover now