Charlotte: "Beggars Can't Be Choosers"

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I stand outside the compartments near one of the few windows that isn't in a compartment. The view is fine I guess but kind of boring. I denied Nicole Lovegood's proposal for me to sit with her. She may be my only 'friend' if I had them, but I don't really feel like being near her popular group of likely-to-be-Gryffindors. Snape's adopted kid will likely be in Ravenclaw and that Sasha girl is a second year Ravenclaw. Who wants to be so close to teachers kids anyway?

This is how I think of myself, in view and contact with people but not belonging to anyone. (like the being in the hall outside the compartments instead of in one) I don't take part in things fully and I don't trust people. Maybe that's how death eaters are. They don't know who to trust and it's hard to trust even those on their side. That Malfoy is getting the vibe I suppose. Not that he wasn't always a rambling snob and immense idiot. I already know more spells than him and every unforgivable curse when he's a sixth year and I'm a first year.

How could I be born a mudblood? It's shameful. Yet what's worse is I'm the only one that seems to care. I think of my sisters Hermione and Isabal. They don't care about being mubloods. No matter what I do I can't disassociate myself from the 'famous Hermione Granger'. That's why I go by Lottie. Charlotte is a birth name that connects me to them. No one associates Lottie with Granger yet people somehow know all about 'Charlotte Granger'. My sisters call me that. I suppose that's why no one connects Lottie with Charlotte. Isabal respects that I don't want to be seen with her, she often stays clear of me, saying "Hi Lottie!" if she passes me in public places sometimes, as if she's heard of me but doesn't know me personally.

Footsteps echo down the hall and someone grabs my shoulder pulling me from my thoughts. "Well lookie here," I taunt casually, "It's Draco Mouth-boy."

"Shut up and follow me." Draco mutters.

"Why should I 'Mr. perfect Pureblood'?" I retort snidely.

"Because, not only am I a prefect that could get you in a lot of trouble Lottie, I know about the lies you told... Charlotte Granger." Draco sneers.

"How did you know about that?" I ask knowing I have to be more careful around him now.

"None of your business mudblood. From what I understand I am much more important than you to him. I know you told the dark lord that you were Lottie. You never told him that you were muggle born scum otherwise he would have murdered you. He also doesn't know that your so close to the enemy. I understand that you were mastering oculemmuncy last year when you were ten just so you could be a death eater. Who helped you practice? How'd you get a wand? I take it that wasn't the first time you've done illegal magic?" Draco taunts throwing all the lies I've told people at my face, "How'd the ministry not catch all that underage sorcery? How'd you know about the death eaters and that you were a witch? Shall I continue 'Lottie'?" He ends with one of his terrible sneers.

"Fine you win. I'll come with you." I try to sound less nervous than I feel. I haven't been nervous, afraid since meeting the dark lord for the first time and I was not afraid of him. I was afraid of not getting into his death eater 'club'. All the things Draco just said and knows could get me murdered by Voldemort or arrested by the ministry or maybe even both. I can't let him get angry at me. I don't care if this is blackmail, there's too much at risk. "Who else knows?"

"Just me." Draco tells me with a sneer, "But I can easily arrange otherwise mudblood." He leads me to the prefect compartment and checks to see it's deserted before leading me inside. He obviously doesn't want to be associated with me. He locks the door behind me and shuts all the blinds on the windows. "Let's make this quick Granger. I have something to attend to in nine minutes or so and I want you gone before that."

"Got some kid in trouble all so powerful prefect?" I ask rolling my eyes and forgetting to be careful.

"Careful." he tells me, his tone reminding me of his father's. Calm, prepared, threatening.

"Yeah okay... does 'prissy pureblood' work for you?" I taunt.

"Does 'Ministry of Magic' work too?" Draco threatens. It's not a good taunt but it is good blackmail. If only I had more dirt on him...

"Fine," I mutter, "What do you want Malfoy?"

"I want your assistance."

"With..." I retort rudely, "I thought we had a time limit here!"

"I need you to watch my sister." Draco says.

"Why can't you watch her yourself?"

"She's going to spill. I know it, Lottie she's lived in the dark lord's headquarters!" Draco reminds me.

"So? Plus why would she want to get you in trouble?" I reply impatiently.

"Maybe not intentionally to get me in trouble Granger, but I caught her mentioning Bellatrix's whereabouts."

Okay that's serious. If anyone knows about the Malfoy manor and the meetings that are going on there it won't be just me that could get arrested. "Okay bad." I admit.

"I just want you to make sure she's not telling anyone about... us. Also about her becoming a death eater... I really want-"

"You want me to stop that? Help you? No way Malfoy." I snort, "And you were rambling on about how he trusts you. You're a coward Draco Lucius Malfoy."

"Don't use my middle name mudblood!" He threatens darkly, "I'm worth more than you, he chose me didn't he?"

"He wanted your sister." I remind him, "He doesn't care a thing about you. He wants you to fail so he can get her into the bargain. He wants you both to either redeem Lucius or die as punishment for him. It looks like it will be the second one."

"Madeline won't die. She won't become a death eater!" Draco yells. It's good that the prefect compartment has a muffling charm. No one can hear us in here.

"Oh shut up. She might not 'die' but she'll certainly become a death eater. You're not capable. She, however, might be."

"I'm capable!" Draco insists, "I will do it!"

"Okay, okay. Your such a baby. I'll watch your sister for you. I'll help make the transition to being one of us easier for her." I tell him.

"She won't be one of us." Draco says in a low and deadly tone.

"Better safe than sorry," I tell him, "and I believe you have 'something to attend to' in five minutes so I'll be going." I turn to leave, but he grabs my arm.

"Please Lottie," he says, "I just want to help my family."

"Yes, and it makes you weak." I inform him with a sneer. Then I stride out from the prefect compartment. He may have more dirt on me, but I have better skill and need than him. He needs me, and I don't need him. That weakness almost balances the odds. 

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