Veronica: "The Background Twin"

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I try not to look shocked at Luna's accusation. "Luna," I whisper, "We shouldn't accuse them. We have no proof, your just making assumptions..." I trail off.

"I'm telling you guys, Bellatrix Lestrange could hiding from prison in the Malfoy Manor!" Nicole says, joining Luna's side for once. "V it makes sense... No wonder no one's found her!"

Our dad frowns. "Girls, please. We can't go around accusing wealthy families of harboring death eaters, not without proof."

I nod in agreement. But... what if there is a problem? What if Madeline, Erica and Draco are all in danger? What if Madeline really is under punishment of the likely mentally unstable Bellatrix Lestrange, the criminal known to worse torture her victims? The woman known to 'play with her food' if I remember the article correctly... I really want to help. Erica... what would it be like for the poor girl to see her mom again? Pity fills my heart. I need to stop. Narcissa Malfoy could have misspoken.

"Let's go." My dad finally decides. "No use hanging about."

We enter the robe store. I hope Cat's home... why wouldn't she be? Especially with the times...

"Veronica! Nicole!" Cat's voice stirs me from my thoughts. We all hug, happy to see someone who isn't in mortal peril. "It's so good to see you." She looks down at the ground. "Umm- I think there's something I want to... tell you."

Me and Nicole exchange a glance. "Does it involve Erica Lestrange or the Malfoys?" I inquire for my sister, who obviously wants to know that too. She nods.

"How'd you know?"

"Let's just say we 'encountered' the Malfoys too..." Nicole grins, but quickly glances to see if dad's watching. Nicole loves a good gossip. Especially when Cat's involved. Cat grins.

"Mom, I'll fit Nicole and Veronica!"

Soon, me and Nicole are sitting down to be fitted, conveniently out of the earshot of Madame Malkin, dad and Luna. I've always liked this store. It's cozy and comfortable, like the magical muggle bookstores in fiction. Maybe muggles deserve to know the truth about us... especially when I read their books all the time. For a second, tittles flash through my brain. I've read many amazing muggle stories, but I never seem to have enough. Such creativity and structure that wizard fiction never has. We're too used to magic for that. Still, books like Fablehaven, Divergent and The Hunger Games are wonderful, magical and inspiring. I can never look at subways like I used to...

"It's so great to see you! The only people I've seen that I know are Madeline and Erica! Where is everyone?" I know it was meant to be a joke, of course she knows that everyone's at home. Everyone's afraid of you-know-who. I shiver even though I'm not cold at all. What if one of our friends has been hurt by death eaters? What if their are death eaters hiding outside, or shopping with us right now? How can we trust people like Narcissa with Lucius's betrayal all over the daily prophet?

"I know right Cat? Me and V have been stuck in the house all summer. All summer! My god, how can I go shopping for the latest muggle styles? Or even the wizard ones! Dad's cut us off from the post to stop us being tracked... I was so upset. How else will I get the latest mags?" Cat nods sympathetically.

"What did you want to tell us about Erica and the Malfoys?" I ask, not wanting to get Nicole ranting. It feels selfish to think, but Nicole can be irritating that way.

"Oh yeah! What gives?" My sister asks. I sigh. Whoever said twins were similar should look at me and Nicole... We may be born on the same day but we aren't alike. The only thing we share are eyes. Our eyes are a light yellowy brown. Just like mom's. We were really young when she died. I imagine that we were only about five. Her face, her name... it's all just a blur. Dad and Luna talk about her sometimes, but the things they speak about are like faded images. Distant and slightly visible.

(A Harry Potter Fanfiction) Just Add MagicWhere stories live. Discover now