Sasha: "Packing With A Side Of K Pop"

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I start counting things off my list, carefully studying my neatly packed trunk. Noticing a crinkle in some robes, I smooth my hand over it to get it to go away. I turn off my k pop music. We may be witches, but I am allowed to use an mp3. "Mom-umm- I- My friends will be at the wand shop, I need my wand to finish packing. I'm going to go nuts if I don't finish this!" Professor McGonagall. Perfect, yet worst mom. She knows all about the death eaters, being in the Order and all that. She's not going to go to Diagon Alley eagerly, and probably won't let me see Cat or go to the new joke shop. She's going to be rushed and busy. Never mind. I'll see them at Hogwarts anyway. Getting organized is what matters.

McGonagall sighs. My mother's been trying to hold off for ages but school does start tomorrow. There's nothing else we can do but go. "I think I'll go without you Sasha. Less risk."

"No!" I say thinking fast, "I need to be their to have my robes tailored, plus it's dangerous to leave me here by myself. At least if I come You'll be there to protect me." She nods.

"Come then, let's go." 

(A Harry Potter Fanfiction) Just Add MagicWhere stories live. Discover now