Cash 47

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"Alright so I bet y'all are all wondering why y'all are here during your Winter Break and I bet y'all are all wondering why Khris is beat the fuck up..... well the answer is simple, but I'm not going to give it to y'all; Lee, Jayson, Eddie why don't y'all come down here and tell y'alls team why Khris looks the way he does?" Jaire said looking at the three culprits. I swear it took everything in me not to beat their asses but Jaire told me to trust him and I did, the three bitch ass dudes took their sweet time getting to the front of the bleachers but when they did Lee looked scared, Jayson looked guilty and Eddie..... I was going to say he looked like he didn't give a fuck but before the thought could even cross my mind Khris punched Eddie dead in the mouth and they started fighting right there in the gym, I started to move in but Jaire stopped me shaking his head. After they fought to a draw Jaire pulled them apart and neither one of them dared to try Jaire. "Now as you can probably guess Eddie, Jayson and Lee here..... as well as Eddie's little brother decided they wanted to jump Khris."

"MAN COACH JAY WE DIDN'T JUMP THIS NIGGA, HE'S LYING!!!!" Eddie yelled and I had to remind myself he was a kid and I couldn't beat his ass. "HE'S JUST MAD BECAUSE WE CALLED HIM OUT ABOUT BEING A FA......" Before he could even finish his sentence I had my hand around his throat and I got a sick pleasure out of seeing the fear in his eyes.

"Kolby chill.........." Jaire said touching my arm, I let Eddie go but I was sure there wouldn't be anymore outburst from him.

"MA YOU REALLY GOING TO LET THIS NIGGA CHOKE ME!!!!" Eddie yelled at his mom who was sitting with Jayson and Lee's parents. I wanted her to say something smart but instead she crossed the gym and smacked Eddie so hard that you would've thought there was lightning outside.

"Shut the fuck up boy..... you've known Khris damn near your entire life and you turn around and pull this shyt, I bout oughta smack your ass again. I know when your black ass is lying so why'd you do it?" Eddie's mom and I could tell Eddie was scared as fuck.

"BECAUSE HE'S GAY!!! AND I DON'T WANNA PLAY ON A TEAM WITH A F..... GAY NIGGA!!!!" Eddie yelled and got smacked again by his mom.

"Which brings me to the next thing I wanna tell y'all..... I'm gay." Jaire said and the entire room got quiet. "So yeah if you got a problem with Khris then you got a me, but the difference between y'all and me is I've been where y'all wanna go which is the NBA and y'all are going to meet a whole lot of people from a whole lot of different backgrounds so if y'all can't accept people's differences then y'all won't make it very far." Jaire said looking each and every person in the eyes.

"This is some bullshyt......" Eddie said quietly but Jaire ignored him.

"If any of y'all got an issue with playing basketball with a gay teammate and a gay coach y'all are more than welcomed to leave..... but I quote the great Bo Schembechler 'Those who stay will be champions." Jaire said and after about a minute it was clear nobody was leaving. "Now as for y'all three...... I've thought long and hard about what y'alls punishment should be and came up with nothing so I'm going to let Khris decide, the first practice back from Winter Break Khris will let y'all know if y'all will be kicked off the team or if he has something more creative in mind and y'all parents have already agreed to it..... now enjoy the rest of y'alls break and I'll see y'all in a couple days." Jaire said dismissing the team.

"That was....." I started to say but Jaire shook his head.

"Khris you coming back to my house or heading home?" Jaire asked and Khris thought about it for a second before turning to Irvin who seemed to be waiting for him.

"I'ma go chill with Irvin.... y'all kids be safe." Khris said walking off. Me and Jaire walked to his car and Jaire shook his head.

"Now you see why I don't like teenagers, but you and me got some unfinished business." Jaire said smirking and after that nothing else needed to be said........

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