Jaire 9

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Okay so maybe being a gym teacher wasn't so bad, all I had to do was keep the little monsters busy for forty-four minutes and that required the least amount of effort possible. Now basketball practice was something completely different I was positive that most of the team hated me but the thing they hated more than me was the rules I had in place; but we could discuss them later because more likely than not they were going to break at least three of them before the day was over with then I was going to break them during practice. I looked down at my watch and saw that I had twenty minutes left until the end of the day, I couldn't wait for practice to be over because I was supposed to meeting up with Roy and Terico. Damn I wished Elijah hadn't gone outta town because I really needed to talk to him, because it seemed like ever since Unique opened her big ass mouth he's either been avoiding me or that nigga Duron has been making sure that we haven't had the chance to talk about everything............

"Ayy Coach J, why don't you come out here and play against us." One of my players Johnny said walking over to me, I looked at him for a second and decided what the hell I had time to kill plus it would be good to see if my coaching was working or not. I got up and grabbed four of the most awkward looking students I could find; a girl with so much weave in her hair that her head leaned to one side, a really short and skinny dude that looked like a strong gust of wind would blow him away, a heavy set dude what I could've swore a little bit of Cheetos crumbs permanently stuck to his lips and finally a dude that I was a little weary of because of the fact he had on all black everything; fingernail polish, lipstick, gauges in his ears, a choker and a long black trench coat.

"Here's the rules we're playing to ten and going by one, three pointers are worth two, everybody on the team has to score twice or make at least one three in order for the points to count. If y'all win practice will be pretty easy today, if my team wins..... well let's just say y'all are going to hate me more than y'all already do. Deal?" I said, Johnny ran back over to the rest of his team and discussed it for a few minutes, giving me a time to come up with a game plan.

"Aight Coach Jay we got a deal." He said smiling and I just shook my head because they had no idea what they had gotten themselves into; it was a massacre my team followed my game plan perfectly... the girl Joseline was a little too good at distracting them for two easy lay-ups (which was something they were going to have to work on during practice), the goth kid Axel had most of the boys too nervous to go near him so his points came easily as well, Big Boy just bulldoze his way to the rim. The one who impressed me the most was Irvin the skinny kid, he stood off to the side for most of the game until it was his turn to score and he made a three (two) pointer so easily that just to be sure it wasn't a fluke I had him do it again and he made all ten as easily as breathing.

"I'll see y'all at practice, Irvin come here real quick...... why haven't you tried out for the team? You're good enough to start and I could really use you." I said.

"Because half of your team has publicly humiliated me in some way, shape or form and the other half has made it a habit to make my three years here a living hell...... then there's Khris." He said with disdain in his voice. "I love basketball coach, but I can't play on a team that I hate and that hates me....." He said walking away, I had to get him on the team, speaking of the team they were about to get murdered during practice.

As usual Cash was sitting in the stands with a few of the other parents watching practice, I had an open practice policies so they couldn't say I was doing anything too crazy. Today we focused of how easily they were distracted which is why I invited the cheerleaders in to make things as difficult as possible.

"Okay before I let y'all go...." I said after three hours of difficult practice. "This is a trust building exercise..... now I'm not going to stand here and pretend that I expect y'all to tell the truth but I just want to prove a point, how many of y'all have had sex before?" I asked and all of them raised there hand, but I could tell that a few of them were lying including Khris which kinda shocked me. "We'll I'll tell you this maybe if y'all weren't so focused on sex y'all could actually play basketball, the cheerleaders were in here all of five minutes and y'all act like y'all never seen pussy before..... just some food for thought, there's no practice tomorrow so I'll see y'all in a couple days." I said dismissing the team.

"That was kinda unorthodox." Cash said walking up to me, I nodded to a few of the parents as they walked out before turning my attention back to him. I'm not going to sit here and pretend like I wasn't attracted to him because I was and he may not be the one but he was still something to keep my attention until I could figure things out with Elijah. "So I found a nice three bedroom you might like, it's in a nice neighborhood so you don't have to worry about getting robbed." He said laughing.

"Coo..... so when are you going to show me the place?" I asked. We set something up for next week, before I went home to take a shower so me and Roy could go on campus to meet Terico.

"Wassup y'all. Ayy have either one of y'all talked to Elijah?" Terico asked as we walked up and sat at the table and we both shook our heads. "Man it's not like him not to call or pick up, I know him and Duron's punk ass are in Miami but still............ I don't like it."

"I'm sure Elijah's fine, we all know he's a die hard Miami Dolphins fan so he's probably down there going crazy he'll call when he get's time to breathe." Roy said and I couldn't help but feel some of Terico's anxiety.

"Yeah maybe you're right, I just want my bro to see that nigga isn't no good. Like I can feel it in my soul that Duron is cheating on Elijah but I can't prove it, he's really good at covering his tracks.... it's bad enough he got our mom wrapped around his fingers, I just want Elijah to see him for the snake he is." Terico said quietly.

"So here's the million dollar question....... Terico when are you going to convince Serenity to go out with me?" Roy asked breaking the tension.

"Wassup Squirt?" Diante said walking over to the table with some of his friends.

"Call me 'Squirt' again I dare you!" Terico said jumping up.

"Yo why does it seem like everywhere I go you end up at the exact same place at the exact same time? Like for real nigga I'm starting to think you're following me." I said looking Diante dead in the eyes.

"Calm down Jerry ain't nobody thinking about you, we just decided to come on campus to pick up some college bitches and see if they wanna come to the big ass Birthday/ Halloween party me and Doonie are throwing....." Diante said.

"I don't know how these young women feel about dating high school freshman." Roy said and we all started laughing at Diante.

"Oh shyt I didn't even see you there umm...... I forget your name, so you must not be important. But Squ.... Terico, I wanted to see if you would like to chill with us, I mean we are about to be brother's in law the last thing I want is tension between family. I think Elijah would like that." Diante said.

"Yeah sure we can chill, I'll pencil you in for the 32nd of Fuckoff." Terico said and just to prove how stupid he was Diante looked like he actually believed him until he realized what Terico was saying.

"Hmm.... that's too bad, I thought we could do some brotherly bonding possibly come up with things we could do with our nephew." Diante said smirking. "Oh y'all didn't hear, Doonie and Elijah are talking about adopting or looking into a surrogate after the wedding of course, in fact I think your mom said she'd carry the baby that way he or she is related to both Doonie and Elijah. Jerry you can't be the goddad, Mateo already took that position......" Diante said and I had to count to ten to keep from killing this dude. "Well I'll catch y'all later and I hope y'all show up at the party, it's going to be the party of the year." Diante said walking off, I sat there stuck because the thought of Elijah and Duron having a kid together was almost too much bear, damn I really gotta say something before it's too late.....................

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