Jaire 46

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I loved my new house, though my time in the NBA was short

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I loved my new house, though my time in the NBA was short..... very short I was smart with my money, thank God I had good people around me telling me to invest and not spend it like most young dudes would and now I had the house of my dreams completely paid for. Now I just needed someone to share it with..... the craziest thing about that was my first instinct wasn't Elijah, it was Cash; I pictured me and Khris out back going over basketball drills and me and Cash walking around the house naked once Khris had gone away to college and for the smallest mount of time possible the thought filled me with joy..... then Elijah entered my brain and I began to feel a little sad. I've loved Elijah for the longest time and for the first time in a long time we were both going to be single, I don't know why I wasn't thrilled about the possibilities..... maybe it was because I knew that he'd need some time to recover from his relationship with Duron, or maybe it was because I knew deep down the most we could ever be was friends, or maybe just maybe someone had finally started to fill the space that for so long was occupied by Elijah.........

"YO COME ON JAIRE WE GOTTA GET GOING!!!!" Terico said busting in the house, I swear I was really starting to regret giving him a key but he was my little bro so I probably wouldn't be mad for too much longer. "Bro I can't wait to start shopping for my kid, so I'm trying to get all the basic stuff now; diapers, bottles, pacifiers, Jordan's, wipes....." Terico said smiling and I knew he was both excited and nervous about the fact that he was about to become a father.

"Just so you know Terico, I am not a babysitter." I said grabbing my jacket.

"Good I don't want you corrupting my son by trying to teach him basketball, my little dude is going to be a football player like his dad." Terico said proudly and I shook my head, I keep trying to tell him he could have a girl but he wasn't trying to hear any of that, he had his heart set on a boy and didn't want to even entertain the thought of having a girl.

"Have you talked to Elijah?" I asked wanting to change the subject, Terico nodded but chose not to elaborate. "Okay how's he doing? I haven't really had the chance to talk to him since Christmas Eve since he elected to skip my Christmas dinner to look for them damn pet bears of his." I said shaking my head.

"He's still a little shaken about what my pops told him; the man he thought was his dad isn't really his dad, his dude that he's about to break up with just got raped and shyt, the found out about some stuff that happened to him when he was little..... it's a lot to take in. I'm actually surprised he hasn't broken down yet but my big bro is tough so he'll put on a brave face and push through." Terico said getting in the seat of the car Duron had brought him for Christmas. "Ayy don't judge me, I may not like that nigga but I love this car and it would be in poor taste to now accept the gorgeous gift."

"I'm not judging.... Serenity are already planning where they want to use the tickets he gave them and she made it perfectly clear that even though she appreciate the gift she was still planning the #DuronIsOverParty." I said laughing. "I'm just surprised he got me something, even though they were just socks." I said shaking my head. "So where are we going?" I asked, Terico smirked before turning the music up loudly and speeding off.

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