Jaire 4

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Let's be real, I've been in love Elijah Booker my entire life and damn near every knew it; his sister, his brother, all our friends, his punk ass boyfriend Duron, all our teachers in school, the milkman, the paperboy, the Arabic dude that runs the corner store down the street from our old houses, everyone..... except for Elijah. It's like everyday my love for him grows and last night was the worse; I had a dream I was sitting in a massive church, watching Elijah preparing to marry Duron. No matter how loud I yelled it was like he couldn't hear me telling him not to do it, telling him how much I loved him; 'Almost Lose It' by Trey Songz started playing just as their lips became dangerously close to touching. Thankfully Roy woke me up, I sat up on his couch and looked around; three years in the NBA and this was now my life, sleeping on my best friends couch wondering what my next move was going to be. Don't get me wrong, I still had all my money from my time playing with the Utah Jazz but I was saving it for a rainy day and the place I just bought was still being renovated, so for the time being I was crashing here, as I sat on the couch I heard loud ass music blasting from Roy's room; I swear he's been the same dude since elementary school.

"NIGGA WAKE YO ASS UP!!!!" Roy said walking into the living room, wearing scarlet and gray damn I forgot we were supposed to be going to The Ohio State game today. "Hurry up, shower, jack off, do whatever you gotta do cause we gotta pick up my future wife and Unique's thot ass."

"It's like ten in the morning, the game doesn't start until twelve so why are you being so damn loud?" I asked rubbing my eyes.

"Why were you saying Elijah's name in your sleep last night?" Roy asked laughing and I tensed up. "Nah I'm just fucking with you bro, but look I may have found you a J.O.B you remember Coach Jones?" He asked and I nodded slightly. "Well his old ass is finally retiring and the school is looking for a basketball coach, I figured that'll give you something to do until you figure out if you wanna try out for another team."

"Man I don't know anything about coaching, I play basketball coaching is an entirely different beast besides what makes you think a bunch of high school kids are going to listen to me?" I asked.

"Because you've been to where they wanna go and here..... I got you a book to help you out." He said pulling out and handing me a copy of 'Coaching Basketball For Dummies'. "You have an interview on Monday, now let's go I don't wanna keep my wife waiting." I swear this dude never gave up.

We pulled up to Serenity's apartment and everyone was outside; Serenity, Unique, Brittney and of course Elijah. Damn he looked great, it wasn't until Roy elbowed me in the ribs, we walked up and of course Unique wasn't really feeling going to the game, her main focus was the party later tonight and trying to get some dick as usual.

"Look I'm trying to get in there early, y'all know how hard it is to get inside them games and I don't do lines." Unique said.

"Well I'm sure you have quite the resume with whoever's working the door so I'm sure you'll be able to skip the line." Roy said and I could tell they were about to start arguing, thankfully Serenity intervened.

"Roy don't your car only fits four people, so someone has to ride with Elijah." She said and before I could even say something they all jumped into Roy's car and sped off, Elijah just shrugged and started walking away and I had no choice but to follow after him. The first few minutes were quiet, this was my first time being alone with Elijah since I got back and usually by now we would've been talking each others ears off.

"So...... umm where's Duron?" I asked not really caring but this silence was killing me.

"At home getting everything ready for the party." Elijah said and I nodded, truthfully I wouldn't put it past Duron to be out there cheating on Elijah but I knew I couldn't say shyt because that would just lead to an argument. "So what made you move back? I mean I know you Jaire, you're the cheapest person I've ever met in my life so I know you could still be in Utah living comfortably?" He asked.

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