"Just your average ordinary everyday superhero" - Smash Mouth

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It took a lot of explaining to convince me that I wasn’t actually dreaming. It took a while to just give in and accept who I was. I’m a vampire, a new born. I had heightened senses and a unique talent that gets passed down through hidden vampire genes found in humans that are triggered when met with vampire blood. So humans are born with these vampire genes, they’re just inactive until met with vampire enzymes. Makes sense I guess.

Apparently, because my last name is ‘Stone’ I’m from the Stone Bloodline. Carly wasn’t able to find any record of vampires in my family for generations, which was strange because my Uncle Keith always looked slightly sketchy.

Learning all of this at once was overwhelming. But truthfully, I’m happy it happened. Anybody else would be freaking out but I strangely felt right. Like this was my place. My home. As a human I always felt distant; as if I didn’t belong. But now it felt as if I had power, like I fit in for once. Even though I had only met these people hours ago they felt like family. It would be a disappointment if I woke up and this actually was a dream.

“Okay, Rosy,” Announced Carly, “let’s see what your specialty is.” She smiled and seemed excited. I just politely smiled back; completely unaware of what the hell she was talking about. Felicity obviously noticed my puzzled look and said, “Vampires are categorised in three different groups. The Adepts; they’re magic based, so like witches and apothecaries... Like me-“So that explains the herbs... “-The Shapeshifters; they can transform into animals. Ashlee is a Shapeshifter and can turn into a white arctic fox. Very pretty.” Ashlee giggled, she was still sitting on the floor; engrossed in her book. “And then there are the Elementals. They can control the Elements. Damien controls fire, for example.” Felicity smiled. Her blue eyes lit up with excitement. “Hmm, I’ve been practising a fore-seeing substance. It helps see small glimmers of the future. Want to see yours?”

“Yeah, sure.” Even though I didn’t know Felicity for long I had grown a liking to her. She seemed nice; it was as if she cared. Her eyes were full of ideas her imagination was inspiring. She reached into a mahogany draw and retrieved a vial with a strange orange substance. She popped the cork off the top with ease and told me to hold out my hands. Do I really want this stuff on my hands?  I asked myself but I didn’t want to upset Felicity so I stayed still. She slowly poured the think, orange liquid onto my palms and sprinkled a strange herb over the top. “What is that you’re sprinkling?” I asked.

“Hemlock.” She answered. Her eyes locked on my hands.

“Isn’t hemlock poisonous?” I said worryingly. “And aren’t apothecaries healers?”

“For humans. For us it’s quite useful and it tastes nice. And, being an apothecary is just a past time, mixing herbs is a specialty, I’m a part witch I can do loads.” A small smile appeared across her face, she still didn’t lift her head though. “Okay, shhh.” She closed her eyes, holding the tips of my fingers. She whispered strange incantations to herself; nothing I could understand. Quickly her head shot up and her eyes opened. Her eyes were no longer a soft blue colour, they were a harsh purple. “Oh, this isn’t good.” She bit her lip, she seemed nervous. “It’s dark. Blood everywhere. Fire, ice, earth, water. A jaguar. Spells.” She was stuttering. It didn’t seem like Felicity anymore, it was as if someone was taking over her body. She quickly gasped and violently pushed my hands away.

Ashlee and Carly gathered around the table we were sitting on. Felicity was trembling. “Well that’s new.” She whispered.

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