"Just a Small Town Girl, Living In a Lonely World" - Journey

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Finally, I slipped back into consciousness. I had a nightmare, the worst I’ve ever had. I was taken from the woods by a fanged woman; tied up; bitten by a dark haired man and left there. It’s all fine now though. I wriggled my fingers and caressed the covers of my bed. They felt rough though, not cotton soft like usual; and I noticed I wasn’t wearing my pyjamas. It felt like I was wearing a dress of some kind. Am I still dreaming? I thought to myself. It smelt here too. Not like home, like charcoal and smoke.

I was afraid to open my eyes. I didn’t know where I was or whether I was still dreaming. But I couldn’t just lie there all day, I had to do something.

Slowly, I opened one of my eyes to find myself in a small, fire damaged room. So that’s what the smell was. Once both my eyes were open I sat up. To my surprise I was wearing some sort of corset with black and white stripes and a skirt; it was the kind of skirt you would see burlesque dancers wearing. They were accompanied by black fishnet tights and my old converse. The sight of my converse made me smile; they were still as dirty as ever. 

Panic suddenly set in when the reality of the situation hit me. I was in a strange place... With different clothes on... but I felt fine. Better than fine actually. Alive.

 Taking a closer look at the room I saw a mirror and a small note stuck to it. “Hmm. What’s that?” I quickly gasped and covered my mouth with my hands. My voice sounded softer, almost musical. And was I wearing makeup too?

I elegantly jumped from my bed (which was strange considering I’m the clumsiest person in the world) and headed for the mirror. I walked with surprising grace, almost as if I was flying.

This mirror was full sized and had a golden frame which stood out against the blackness of the room. Afraid to look at my reflection, I stared at the floor for a moment. What will be looking back at me? What do I do? So many questions, but there was only one way to see.

I slowly lifted my head to find someone that looked nothing like me. My reflection had a thick, front fringe and hair that fell down almost to my hips.  My face was also different to my usual style. I had thick eye liner on and a small flick at each corner, making me look like a cat, my eyes stood out against the dark, harsh colours of my attire. My lipstick was a blood red and I looked pale. Really pale.  I took another look at my outfit. My skirt was quite short, but the frills made it seem longer. My corset was also uncomfortably revealing.

I reached for the note, hoping it would give me answers. It read:


You may or may not remember me (I used a lot of Elexis powder... Sorry about that!). You look beautiful by the way! When you’re ready, go down to corridor and take the second left.


I guess there was just one thing to do. I headed for the door; it was hanging from its hinges and completely burnt. Gently, I tapped it and it fell to the floor with a thud, sending dust and soot flying. I slowly edged down the hallway, as I got closer to my destination I heard laughter and conversation. Strangely my heart didn’t quicken, actually it felt as if it wasn’t even beating. Am I dead?

 I reached for the golden door handle. I breathed in, closed my eyes and counted to three. One... Two... Three...

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