Steam was practically spewing out of Quinn's ears when a familiar voice broke through their argument.

"Bas?" both Quinn and Sebastian turned to see a familiar Latina practically sprint towards them. She put down her coffee on Sebastian's table and went to hug the disabled lawyer.

"Oh My God!" Santana exclaimed. "How are you? What are you doing here? What happened! to you!"

"Central City Drama."

"Santana, I know that Sebastian is like your alter ego. But What the hell?!" Quinn demanded. "Don't you remember what he did? The rock-salt slushie? The steroids?"

"In his defenae." Hunter said coming into the conversation with two orders of coffee in hand. "I take full responsibility for that."

"You better, Lead Head." Santana answered. "How you know how pencils taste like is beyond me."

"What the hell is going on?" Quinn demanded.

"I'll explain on the way to McKinley." Santana insisted looking back at Sebastian. "I will expect your meerkat ass over there sometime this week, Twink. You need to update me in what the hell is going on with my favorite Twinks."

"I know you love my ass, Sha-Queer-A. But as you can see I'm in a bit of a bind. How about dinner."

"Flirting with a gay woman in front of your husband? Have you no shame?"

"Not when I'm your best gay."

Quinn gave up and threw her hands in the air and walked out of Lima Bean.

"Well, I have to handle the storm before it hits."

"Good Luck, Lima Heights."

"I don't need luck, Meerkat. I have my Latina Third eye." Santana said with a wink. "i saw the storm before it even hit."

She then started her way to the exit.

"I'll text you!"

"You better!"

Hunter sat down across Sebastian and handed him a foam cup. "Your usual without the shot of Courvoisier."

"But that's where all the flavor is!"

"We're trying to get you back on your feet. So I don't think that alcohol is going to help." Hunter said. "No drinking till you're back on your feet. Doctor's Orders."

"Fine." Sebastian grumbled into his drink. He looked up over his cup to Hunter with a teasing look in his eyes. Maybe being stuck in Ohio wouldn't be so bad. It surely would be interesting.


"I never really understood what is your obsession with this place anyway." Sebastian murmured with disgust. "It is a rip off on any good Italian food."

"You eat here just as much as we do, Andrew McCarthy." Santana pointed out. "Its the comfort not the food. and besides they're legally obliged to bring you as many breadsticks as you'd like."

"I'm sure."

The two snarky millennials sat in the booth in the back of the restaurant. Sebastian's crutches were standing by the end of the booth. Both siting face to face but close enough for them to slide to each other should they decide to prank some pining teen like what they did when they were in college.

"So confess, Twink." Santana demanded settling in with her glass of wine. Which Sebastian was surprised they actually carry in the establishment. "What happened in Halfway Hallway that caused this much damage to my favourite lawyer. Does Auntie Snixx need to beat someone up?"

"Put away the whip, Annie." Sebastian reassured. "last I heard the dude that did this is dead."

"But what the hell happened."

Sebastian looked around cautiously. He then leaned forward closer to Santana. "What do you want to know."

"The truth."

"I'm sure you've heard of the particle accelerator explosion." Sebastian said.


"Well as it turns out there were people who were affected by this. They call them Metahumans. They all have abnormal powers ranging from super speed to shapeshifting." Sebastian said. "And some of these people are criminals."

"And how did you get sucked into this."

"One of them took me and a police officer hostage." Sebastian said his ears turning red in embarrassment. "And he sort of beat me around a bit."

"You're leaving something out." Santana said with a serious look.

"It was the same man who I saw kill my mother."

"What?" Santana demanded "How could...she's been dead for fourteen years. How could the killer only get his powers now? From what you said the person is unbelievably fast."

"I don't know." Sebastian lied. "So yeah. I was saved by the Flash. I can't remember what happened outside of finding myself in the hospital with a broken leg, cuts and bruises and nightmares."

Sebastian shuddered at the memory. Santana slid to Sebastian's side of the booth and wrapped an arm around him. "Its okay. You're out of there. And that ass hole is dead. If he wasn't well Super speed or not, Auntie Snixx would've been out for blood." Santana gave him a devious smile. "Nobody messes with my best twinks."

Sebastian was strangely reassured with Santana's words. They were two sides of the same coin. The only thing that differentiates them both is gender.

"Speaking of, how is my other best twink?" Santana asked. "I mean how is he after waking up from the Coma, I was a bit too busy to really head to the Halfway Hallway."

"Central City isn't as small as it seems, Satan." Sebastian teased. "Barry's fine. He's made some new friends. His fellow nerds."

"A new girlfriend?"

"He did." Sebastian said. "They didn't work out as well as we'd hope."

"Well, I may know someone who'd be his speed." Santana said with a glint in her eyes. "She's sweet, killer vocals and knowing you, I'm sure your brother is the same. She's my protégé."

Sebastian chuckled when Santana has it starting she won't stop. "Sure, we'll see but I doubt Barry would leave Central anytime soon."

The rest of the dinner was spent catching up and Sebastian couldn't help feel better hanging around his twin from another mother. He may not be back on his feet but he's in no rush. He has time. One step at a time. For now he'll enjoy being home.

Okay I'm so sorry this took forever. I've been so busy. And this particular chapter had 3 revisions in terms of plot. It was supposed to be more angst-y for this chapter. But I decided to tone it down and just give the angst in the later chapters.

So don't hate me...and Please Review :D 

The Allen Twins (Glee and Flash FF)Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα