I can practically hear her roll her eyes. "Girl, you are crazy jealous."

"It's not my fault," I retort, "if she didn't look like that, I wouldn't have acted the way I am now!"

Laughing, she agrees. "If it was Connor, I would have chopped his balls off already."

"Okay, no. That's way too graphic!" I said, shaking my head.

Leah shrugs. "That's just how I roll."

I hate to admit, but was I overly jealous?

What if Ethan found my jealousy a turn-off and decides that he wants nothing to do with me?

She drove us to the mall and we decided to have lunch first before doing the vigorous task of finding the perfect prom dress.

I could tell she was excited by the way she was smiling like a creep as she takes a seat across from me. The waiter showed us to our seats and handed us the menu. The food came quicker than I expected, which was great because I was starving.

"To guys being stupid and finding the perfect prom dress," Leah toasted, holding her glass of sparkling water.

"To guys being stupid and finding the perfect dress," I said between giggles.

"You know, I feel bad. I've probably been torturing him by not replying to his text messages for the whole weekend," I said.

"Honey, sometimes you have to do that so he stops being stupid."

"I'm not entirely sure what he did was a crime, I mean they were working on their school project. It's not like they were sleeping together or something."

"Obviously, have you seen the guy?" she takes a bite of her food, "he's so obsessed with you I think he needs his own episode on my strange addiction."

I try not to laugh but I couldn't help it, a burst of loud laughter escapes from lips and my face heats up.

"Should I surprise him tomorrow morning at school with a muffin or something?"

A smirk appeared on Leah's face. "You know what's a better idea?"


"You go to his house tonight and surprise him."

For a split second, I consider refusing her idea but it was a good idea. It was different, unexpected.

He always pulled romantic gestures for me and make me feel like a princess yet I can never do anything to surprise him.

After all this time, I realized that I haven't done anything grand for him yet.

She stared me down, waiting for me to crack while I sat and thought for a while. Eventually, I gave in and agreed to her idea.

"Alright, I'll do it tonight."

"Besides," she said more calmly, "I'm pretty sure he's more hungry for you than a muffin."


"What?" She shrugs, covering her mouth with her hands while she chews, "he looks at you the way I look at grilled cheese sandwiches. Like he wants to devour you in seconds."

"Did you just compare me to grilled cheese?" I laughed lightly, taking a bite of my salad.

"Yup" she manages to say, this time covering her mouth with a napkin to keep the food from falling out. She enjoyed eating in big mouthfuls because it's what people in Mukbang do, and she was absolutely obsessed with watching those videos.

After another thirty minutes or so, we managed to finish lunch without Leah making another inappropriate comment like how she'd cut off Connor's balls or that Ẽthan wants to eat me like a chocolate muffin.

"Are you ready to go shopping?" She said, eagerly. This was what she's been waiting for this entire time. I think she ate so much so she could have the energy to shop.

The first store we went to was Macy's. It was our go-to store because it had basically everything in there. Currently, Miley Cyrus is blasting from the store speakers, and Leah is singing along loudly with the music.

"Can you be any louder?" I joked.

She scoffs. "Nothing can get in the way of me and my queen, Miley."

As we split apart to look for dresses, I already have a clear idea of what I'm going to wear. A floor-length dress that hugs my curves, hopefully leaving my prom date - Ethan- breathless. Presumably something with a side slit to show off my legs and an open back.

"What color are you planning to wear?" I asked, whipping my head around to see Leah with a pile of dresses on her arm.

"I'm going for the classic black," she smiles as I watch her turn to the next aisle, "what about you?"

"Red," I tell her.

"That's hot," she winked.

While Leah was finding a bunch of dresses to try on, I was pacing back and forth through aisles and aisles of dresses, not finding a single one that I liked.

Thirty minutes turned to an hour and Leah was in the dressing room trying on her endless selection of dresses while I was still roaming around the store like a headless chicken. I was starting to feel an anxious feeling wash over me, worrying that I wouldn't end up finding my perfect dress.

Leah finally comes out after a good twenty minutes later, and I almost didn't recognize her. Her hair that she always tied up was now cascading down to her waist, slightly curled because of how much she rolled her hair up into a bun.

As she makes her way to the mirror, her smile is extra wide knowing she found the perfect dress. I rise from the chair and pull her into a hug instantly.

"This is definitely the one," I said.

She gushes, her cheeks turning a little rosy. "Right? I think so too."

"You look so good."

"Have you found a dress yet?" she asked.

I shook my head. "None that I like here."

"It's alright, still got a month left for you to find your dress."

I really hope so too.

- - -
A filler chapter...but don't worry, things are about to get interesting!

Also, Happy New Years everyone! Wish you all the best for this upcoming year ☺️

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