late valentine's special

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defsoul: so
it's Valentine's Day
and i'm alone

otterjae: well bad for you
i have someone over

defsoul: you already cheating?
damn i thought we had something special

otterjae: first of all we aren't even in a relationship
jaebum it's my mum

defsoul: oh
i want to meet my mother-in-law

otterjae: jaebum wtf
i won't let you talk to her

defsoul: but i have to ask for her permission before marrying you

otterjae: im sorry i can't marry till im 35

defsoul: i can wait till then

otterjae: but i don't want to marry you

defsoul: your blush says otherwise 👀

otterjae: wtf
just because i blushed once doesn't mean i want to marry you

defsoul: well
at least i tried
btw i have to leave now
ttyl baby boy 💕

otterjae: bye asshole


Youngjae entered the kitchen to see his mum cooking whilst singing some old korean song that was famous when she was younger. "Is dinner ready? I'm starving!" he whined back hugging her; the woman chuckled at his son's cuteness and continued frying the chicken; Youngjae pouted at his mum ignoring him and decided to sit on the counter. Once he did, his phone buzzed, signalling a notification.
He unblocked it and saw it was a text from Jaebum on the YELLOW app "What does he want now?" he huffed in annoyance, making his mum chuckle "Is it Bammie?" she asked, she previously expressed how she wanted to see his sunshine's best friend once again. Youngjae shook his head "It's Jaebum" to which the woman's ear perked up "Isn't it that guy you always talk about? Your new boyfriend?"

The guy started blushing at her question and repeating the same thing- "He's not my boyfriend!"
Mrs. Choi just kept giggling at his flustered son and answered "If you say so, dear!" before continuing cooking, leaving the blond in a blushing mess.

In rhe end, he opened the app to check the text.

defsoul: bby open the door, there's a surprise for you! 👀💕

Youngjae groaned, not wanting to see the hot redhead- at least not right now, when his mother words kept repeating over and over in his mind; nevertheless, he opened the door to find his doorstep empty. He rolled his eyes and started closing the door again so that he could call his new "friend" and cuss at him because he had to get up from the kitchen counter and walk to the door for nothing- but then, he notice a single rose standing on the door mat accompanied by a note. He picked the note up and read it, a little smile forming on his face.

Baby, Happy Valentine's Day! Hope you and your mum spend a nice day together!
Remember I really really really like you ( and no, I don't mean your ass, I know you thought I meant that ) and that I can't wait to meet you again.

your lovely fuckboy, Jaebum

He couldn't stop smiling, it was the first time someone had gave him a rose, not even Mark had done that when they were a couple.
"Thank you Bummie!" he shouted, startling the old lady who was walking her dog in front of his house; he quickly apologized and went back inside, holding the note tight to his chest and inhaling the amazing fragrance the rose enacted.
His mother looked at him "Who gave you that rose?" she asked the guy who couldn't stop smiling. Youngjae blushed, unable to hide how happy he was "It was Jaebum" he simply said.


otterjae: thanks for the rose
and the note
it was cute

defsoul: everything for you my baby

otterjae: yo calm down
i said thank you not "call me your baby"


and here i was thinking i finally had a chance


sorry to ruin it for you dad

defsoul: for a moment i read daddy

otterjae: s t o p  w i t h  t he  d a d d y  k i n k

defsoul: "i can't stop i cannot stop it"

otterjae: who told you i said that

defsoul: right lol
no i seriously gotta go bby
we'll talk more tomorrow, alright?

otterjae: okay
bye bummie 💗

defsoul: wow you really sent me a heart

otterjae: you better go before i correct that to a middle finger

defsoul: okay baby
remember i love you 💕💕

i said i'd've upload a special valentine and i did, even if a month later oops

wait for the new update, it will be up soon!

bebbs xx 

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