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otterjae: i have a cold
and bambam doesn't want to come over because "i have a party tonight i don't want your germs to get me"

defsoul: wow you texted me first and it wasn't to tell me happy birthday
this is one hell of a progress
do you want me to do anything for you?

otterjae: actually yes
i need tissues
and meds
and a compilation of sad movies to watch
and chocolate
and pizza
actually you know what?
just bring me all you can find at the convenience store

defsoul: does this mean we can meet?

otterjae: actually you know what?
i'm fine

defsoul: bbbbuttttt

otterjae: shut up jaebutt

defsoul: did you just-
did you just call me jaebutt???

otterjae: yes, yes i did

defsoul: ...

otterjae: can you make yourself useful?

defsoul: no

otterjae: sigh
and here goes your chance of me getting closer to dislike you a lil bit less

defsoul: nevermind
just tell me what you need

otterjae: can you send me a pic of you?

defsoul: suRE

otterjae: thanks

defsoul: what did you need it for btw

otterjae: your face helps me throw up

defsoul: rude

otterjae: yeah i get that a lot
i'll be honest
you looked cute

defsoul: aw thank you babe

otterjae: that doesn't mean you can call me babe

defsoul: rude pt.2
i have a question btw

otterjae: what is it?

defsoul: nice ass, what time does it open?

otterjae: in your dreams o'clock

defsoul: well, at least it does open

otterjae: ...

defsoul: don't dot me

otterjae: i dot you as much as i want to.

defsoul: boi
no more pics for you

otterjae: it's okay
not that i jerk off to them as you do with mines

defsoul: yAH

otterjae: yeah sure

defsoul: jaejae

otterjae: what?

defsoul: suck my dick

otterjae: it's impossible to suck something that small

defsoul: you mean big

otterjae: no, i mean small

defsoul: my dick is big thank you

otterjae: i don't really wanna know

defsoul: i'm telling you anyway

otterjae: see? that's why i prefer lee minho to you
he's a gentleman
you're just a thirsty hoe

defsoul: i'm not a hoe if i'm thirsty just for you

otterjae: and another amount of 500 people

defsoul: you're wrong babe
in my mind there's only you right now.

And little did the cute chubby guy know that, even though he hadn't even met him and they talked just for a few days, Jaebum really meant what he wrote.

shit this book is turning romantic and fluffy what's wrong with me

jk, everyone knows i'm a fluff hoe

i'm actually really sick rn and it's almost 2am but i can't sleep due to my nose and my throat sigh plus we have school on monday and i haven't studied like at all

bebbs x

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