Chapter 17: Amelian

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The next creature leapt up to try and grapple him, impaling itself on his sword, forcing Samuel to throw it and his sword to the ground. He turned away from it to grab the next creature, and held it away as it tried to claw and bite at him.

To Amelian's surprise, he then kicked it in the knee, knocked it down, picked the creature up by its shoulders, and threw it off the wall.

She caught up with the last of the creatures, and punched her sword through its back, hard enough to punch through its chest and out the other side. Its own momentum carried it off her sword, and the creature tumbled to the ground.

Samuel set his foot on the creature his sword was stuck in, and drew it out. He gave the point a quick inspection, shrugged, and sheathed his sword, "Thanks, ma'am," he said to her, as they turned back to see the bulk of the horde coming closer.

Mia fired four times into the crowd, lethal bursts of flame that flashed like bolts of lightning into the creatures. Several creatures fell, and Mia tossed aside the Salamander, grabbing another over her shoulder and firing three more shots into the crowd.

Mia then slid a satchel into the crowd, where it disappeared behind the oncoming masses. She smiled and aimed, firing her last shot.

The explosion rocked the mob, sending creatures into the air and throwing others like lint in the wind. Even Amelian felt the air beaten out of her lungs from the explosion, and staggered backwards, blinking her eyes.

"Warn us first, Corporal!" she shouted towards Mia, and it took a moment to realize she wasn't standing there.

To Amelian's surprise, Mia dashed behind them, exclaiming, "I have an idea!" Bemused, Amelain looked over to Valen, who only offered a shrug.

She nodded and followed Mia at a jog, who dropped most of her equipment, including her Salamander, to fish out a half-dozen rounds and her water satchel. She placed the water pack on the exhaust pipe, and using a length of thin wire, tied it around the pipe.

"Water helps contain the blast," Mia said, as if she were offering an explanation the others would understand. "Steel holds the pipe's shape, and the ceramic beneath holds the heat. Punch through the steel, crack the ceramic, and..." she finished, hopped down, and stepped away.

"Stand behind me," she said, and all three of them hastily passed her, turning around at a safe distance. She raised her Salamander and fired.

The explosion was surprisingly quiet for six Salamander rounds, but after the flash of fire faded, there was nothing left of Mia's water skin.

"What?" Mia exclaimed, staring at the pipe. "That should have worked! Why the hell didn't it work?" She asked.

Amelian stared at the pipe, looking closely where Mia had set her improvised explosive. The pipe was broken, with a fierce hole ripped into the steel coating of the pipe. The ceramic beneath was damaged, but still held the fire inside.

"What were you trying?" Amelain asked.

"To punch a hole into the pipe, and redirect the fire. Thought it would slow them down. Why didn't it work?"

"It did," Valen said as he dashed forward, sword in hand. Amelian followed after, but he waved her off and climbed up the battlements. He stepped up to the pipe, held his short-sword in both hands, and swung it hard into the exposed ceramic.

The exploding flame threw Valen off the battlements, and sent him skidding along the causeway. The fire billowed out of the pipe, pouring into a stream that stretched over halfway across the causeway.

Amelain stepped over and knelt down to check on Valen, who somehow kept his sword firmly in his hand. He grimaced, as she offered her hand, but took it and pulled himself to a sitting position.

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