ten (final)

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one week later

Mitch knocked on Scott's door.

Scott opened it, eyes red and hair a mess. Tears began to glide out of the boy's eyes as he realized who it was.

"Honey," he said, "you're back," he hugged Mitch tightly.

Mitch angled his head and searched for Scott's lips, finding them merely seconds later.

"I love you," Scott said, "don't you ever disappear like that on me again, okay?" Mitch buried his head in Scott's neck and Scott ran his fingers through Mitch's hair.

Mitch placed a quick kiss on Scott's chest to show he understood.

"How did you get back here?" Scott asked, three hours later as the boys were at dinner.

"I wrote," Mitch said, "I glued some blank pages in the book and I wrote a new ending."

"How does it end?"

"Because I'm a character in the book now, I can't remember. It better have been fucking happy." Mitch laughed.

"Did you see-"

"Yes. Every day you'd talk to me and I wouldn't be able to respond," Mitch said, "at first I started to write to try to tell you that I could read it, but then I started writing actions, and you did them."

"Does that explain why I've been eating so goddamn much?" Scott asked.

Mitch nodded, giggling.

"I'm happy you're back," Scott wrapped his arm around Mitch, "I missed you like crazy."

"I missed you so much more," Mitch said, "you have no idea. I got no sleep whatsoever."

Scott laughed. "Just make me one last promise?"

Mitch raised his eyebrows.

"Don't even think of leaving me again any time soon," he said.

Mitch laughed and sealed their love, sealed the deal, sealed everything...

With a kiss.

rewritten (scomiche)//completedWhere stories live. Discover now