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Kirstin walked through the outdoor farmers market, in a sundress and a floppy hat when she heard thunder rumble above her.

"Aw, man." She said, running under one of the tents before rain came pouring down.

She hadn't even noticed where she was going, and she ran right into someone.

"Oh my god, I'm sorry." She apologized. "I didn't mean to-"

"It's okay. I do it all the time." The guy smiled. "My name's Jeremy, by the way." He reached his hand out to shake hers.

"Kirstin." She shook Jeremy's hand and smiled.


Jeremy was walking out of the bar he had a few drinks at, surprised to have seen Kirstin for the second time that night.

Mitch was waiting outside the door.

"She's a beautiful girl, isn't she?" Mitch asked.

"Yeah, she is." Jeremy said, dreamy eyed. "Oh, I'm sorry. Are you-"

"Her boyfriend? No, not at all." Mitch laughed. "I don't play for that team."

"Good. How do you know her?"

"I've read about her." Mitch said.

"Where? In the newspaper?" Jeremy asked.


"That's cool. What for?"

"Singing. She performs here sometimes." Mitch said, pointing inside.

"Yeah, that's what she was doing tonight." Jeremy nodded. "I got her number."

Mitch acted surprised. "Did you now? Nice!" They high fived.

"How did you know I got her number?" Jeremy asked. "You're not a good liar. Somehow you knew."

Mitch stood there for a minute, and decided to come clean to Jeremy.

"You are all book characters." Mitch said. "You and Kirstin are my OTP."

"OTP? Book characters? What the hell are you on?"

"One true pairing, yes, and nothing." Mitch said.

"Show me the book. Is that it? In your hands?"

Mitch nodded. "Tell me if you see words on the pages."

Jeremy looked at him, very confused, before taking the book into his hands and flipping through the pages.

"No. Nothing." He said.

"That's the strangest thing," Mitch started.

"Do you need to go to a hospital?" Jeremy asked.

"No. I'm-I'm fine. Have a good rest of your night, Jeremy."

And for just a second, Jeremy believed Mitch. Because he had never actually told Mitch his name. But then, he realized that books are simply words on pages. That wouldn't be possible.

rewritten (scomiche)//completedWhere stories live. Discover now