Back to Sound village

Start from the beginning

"Sure Hina-chan" Hinata blush at her new nickname but nodded and ran out of the BBQ booth to go back home. Naruto too made his way out.

Outside, he saw the person he is waiting to talk too. Sasuke.

"Hey dope" Sasuke smirk

"Teme" Naruto replied

"Naruto, is Itachi nii-san living in your village?" Sasuke ask in a serious tone. That was the question Naruto expected to hear.

"Well... For the moment, his doing different S-class missions to improve our village income. When we are stabilise, he should be living there."

"Than when that happens, can you ask him to see me or call me to your village to meet him?"

"Sure teme sure"

"Dope. Well enough chit chat I've got to go now. See ya around" Sasuke starts to walk away.

"Hehehe. Going going on a date with Sakura-chan?" Naruto disturb Sasuke which he return with a glare.

"Whatever dope. See you at the main gate later"

Naruto was about to walk when he heard a shout.

"HOLD UP My youthful RIVAL!" Naruto need not see who is that person. He turned to see Lee and Guy-sensei running towards him.

"I see that your YOUTH is burning brightly NARUTO!" Guy shouted.

"Erm... Thanks?" Naruto wasn't sure how to respond

"If my rival has become a leader of his own village than I will to become a leader! I will become Hokage!" Lee stated

"OOOOOHHHH!!!!! Nice Lee! Your flame of youth burns brightly! But first, we've got to train!" Guy started running and Lee following close behind.

"They are more energetic now than 3 years ago." Naruto said to himself and when he was just about to walk Hinata called from behind.

"Naruto-kun!" Hinata was running towards him.

"What's wrong Hinata?"

"Naruto-kun. Can you come with me for a moment? It's kind of hard for me to explain."

"Sure" Naruto starts following Hinata.

Line break

Naruto was surprise that Hinata have lead him to the Hyuuga compound.

"What are we doing here?" Naruto ask worried

"Just follow me" Hinata commanded.

Once inside, they saw Hiashi, Neji and Hanabi sitting and looking at them.

"Naruto-sama please sit down" Hiashi gestured to the floor infront of him. Naruto warily sat down.

"Have my daughter tell you yet?"

"Tell what?" Naruto ask

"I guess she didn't. Well considering that you didn't just eat BBQ but also ate my daughter lips, first I would like to ask you. Are you serious with her?"

"Of course!"

"Than I take it you won't let any harm come to her?"

"For as long as I am breathing. No"

"Good. My daughter have requested that she would like to live with you in your village" Hiashi explain. Naruto took a few second to process the information.

"Really!? Awesome!" Naruto punched up in the air. Hinata was blushing. Hiashi then stood up and leave.

"Wait. If Hinata comes with me than Hanabi will be the next clan head right if yes than what if Hanabi falls in love with another shinobi from a different clan?" Naruto ask.

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