Chapter 24

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^^^New Fab Fan!!!^^^

HELLO ALL! New chapter. If you love it, vote and comment! Can we get 100 votes again?

If I get 100 votes before midnight american central time I will post the next chapter tonight.

Ok so we didnt reach our goal tonight. 100 votes by 10 am central time and I will post the new chapter tomorrow morning. Good luck!

Dominic’s POV

I smiled as I stood in the woods watching Laurel walk towards me. I was in human form, but it was like my wolf was in control. As soon as she stepped into the clearing we were upon her. We threw her to the ground, on top of the pine needles and decaying leaves. We took her roughly there; it was very hard and fast. We looked into our mates face and we saw the blankness that she had started displaying after I had kept her in my room for a week. While it didn’t bother my wolf, that look killed me and drove me off of her. I was in control for a brief moment before my wolf took over again. We dropped back onto her and we took her again.

And again.

And again.

I wanted to leave this place. It didn’t feel right. I forced the images away instead of letting them fade like before. I was in a dark place. I didn’t see any definition. There was no light. There was nothing. Even still I felt like there were things, diseased slimy things crawling all over me. Burrowing into me and I knew I needed to get away from here.

“She is almost ours…” I heard my wolf say. Normally his voice was secondary. Here in this place, it was strong and determined.

I shook as things continued to drill into me. I clawed my way out.

Back to reality.

I opened my eyes and saw blinding whiteness. I kept my eyes open. I didn’t want to end up back in that place. I widened my eyes to keep from blinking. If I closed my eyes, there was no telling if they would reopen.

I heard sounds as if through water. A dark blurry shape was above me. I couldn’t make it out. I didn’t like the lack of definition; it reminded me of the dark place. I knew I needed to blink to right things but that darkness was at the edge of my awareness, waiting. Waiting for me to slip up, I couldn’t succumb to it, I had to beat it. I blinked hesitantly. I reopened my eyes quickly, lest the dark place claim me.

Jackson came into view, he looked relieved. There was a doctor and two nurses walking in. I blinked again; I felt a slight crawling on my skin. My eyes flew open and it went away. Everyone was staring at me. The doctor’s lips were moving.

All of a sudden sound returned with a loud roar of words.

“Dominic, are you alright?” Jackson asked. The doctor and nurses looked concerned.

“I’m fine. Everything was watery for a second.”

“That’s normal for someone who goes into a coma like that. Can you tell us what happened? Maybe we can determine if there was a trigger. Keep this from happening again.”

“I was walking down the hall to my room, next thing I knew I was on the ground crawling towards the door.”

No one must know what my mate and that ass were doing. I couldn’t bare the shame. Enough people knew as it was.

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