Chapter Twenty Six - Hotel Room

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        I finish up my shift pretty quickly and leave the diner. I hadn't been able to focus since Bruce had left, and Tia had noticed. Not that I wanted to talk to her after she had so obviously called in. She had blown my cover, told them where I was. And yet.... I wasn't as mad as I thought I would be. My thoughts were mainly focused on Bruce. To go or stay.

        It had started a war in my head. My rationality over my emotions. Mind over heart. But honestly, by the time I had reached my apartment, I had already made my decision. There really wasn't another one for me. It would hurt me so much more if I picked the other option.... I wouldn't be able to live with myself.

Bruce's POV~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~

        Steve had told the hotel that Tony wasn't allowed to order any type of alcohol, and I was pretty sure he was going through a sort of withdraw. Steve and Nat were with him, and Clint was out and about the small town. Probably making sure that we didn't miss anything. I stayed in my room, waiting. I had lied and said I was waiting for a call from a laboratory

        It was nearly eleven o'clock, but... I still held out hope of her coming. Of her coming back to New York with us. I had said a lot of stuff in the alley that had just... come out. But it isn't as if any of it wasn't true. I missed her, a lot more than I expected I would. And I hadn't slept. Not knowing where Rose was... it bothered me.

        I turned on the TV, flipping through the channels, looking for something to distract myself. Being a hotel in a small town in the middle of nowhere meant that they didn't have much. I ended up on the news, not really focusing on the reporters.

        What if she didn't show up? What if she decided to stay? I knew if she was set on that, I would let her, and I wouldn't say a word, like I promised. I don't know what it would do to me though, to leave her here alone. I would never know what would happen to her, or how her life would turn out. I just prayed that she-

        My head snaps up as I hear a knock on my door, and I shoot across the room, throwing it open. Standing in front of it is a girl with a big hoodie hiding her face, and a big suitcase by her feet. The red hair poking out from beneath the hood tells me instantly who it is. "You really should look through the peephole first." Rose says. "I mean, I could've been an ax murderer or something."

        I can't help it. I smile with relief. "Get in here." I say, grabbing her suitcase. She opens her mouth, about to say something, but then closes her mouth and walks in, shutting the door behind her.

        "I was able to get the hair dye out after washing it about twenty times. It was only temporary. Few weeks sort of stuff." She says, awkwardly standing by the bed. "The piercings were just slip on fakes, but the tattoos..." She trails off, taking her coat off, and I can see a tattoo still on her neck. "It's going to take a while to come off. But at least it will." She looks around the room, avoiding my eyes.

        "You came back." I say, and she finally looks at me.

        "I.. uh.." She fidgets. "I realized that it was the only choice I could live with. After what you said, in the alleyway..." She looks out the open window that was pointed towards the diner. "About the team, and Tony, and the girls... I couldn't live with myself knowing that I was putting them through pain."

        "You always were a softie." I say with a chuckle, making her look up.

        "And you aren't?" She asks playfully, nudging me slightly. I give her a soft smile. "But do you know what really hit home for me?" She asks looking into my eyes. Her beautiful hazel eyes looked into mine. "It was when you gave me a choice. You know what I'm going through, but at the same time you don't. And you still understood." She rushes to the next sentence, not giving me a chance to respond. "And when you said you couldn't sleep because of me, because of how you were worried... I got this horrid feeling. And I couldn't shake it, and I don't know why I got it but I think it's because I really, really like you, and I don't know how to reac-"

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