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I'm wearing both the black dress and leather jacket Harry bought me today, though I'm convinced they don't go well together Eleanor has assured me that they do. Much to my dismay, Eleanor wouldn't accept anything other than heels to be on my feet so I settled with the pair that was also bought at today's shopping trip. My outfit is all black, the only bit of colour and life to my outfit is my red lipstick. I'm currently walking around the bedroom to practice walking in my shoes whilst Eleanor continues to get ready. Every few steps I walk I pull at the bottom of my dress, not satisfied with it's lack of length. As I walk I can't help but wish that I wasn’t going tonight, it'd be much easy that way. I wouldn't have to socialise and pretend that I'm actually happy. I don't even know where we're going for dinner or who is going to be there or how many people. I hope there are not a lot of people because I'm not too good with crowds as they make me nervous. Although a crowd of people is ideal to get lost in, that's exactly what I'm afraid of. I won't know everyone there and I'd rather stay in the safety of Harry's arms. Only because he'll protect me, no other reason.

"River?" Harry's voice shouts through the house. I look to Eleanor then walk out the door and onto the landing. I catch sight of Harry at the bottom of the stairs so I walk down them. "We’re leaving now”

“I thought we were going at half 6?” I look away from him as I ask the question.

“Well we’ve changed the plan so let’s go” he says, growing slightly annoyed. I quickly return upstairs to grab my bag and then follow Harry outside to his car.

In the car I sit quietly whilst Harry hums along to the radio but I can’t help but think about tonight. What if something happens? We’re going to a restaurant so won’t the rival gang be able to find us there? I mean surely they have people who can work that out?

“Harry?” My voice comes out much quieter than I’d expected.


“Um, well, won’t this rival gang be able to find us at the restaurant?” He pauses to think before answering.

“You don’t need to worry about things like that River, I’ve got it all under control” he removes one of his hands from the steering wheel and rests in on my bare thigh. The action comforts me and I nod at what he’s said. “I’ll keep you safe” he gives my thigh a gentle squeeze before he returns his hand to the wheel. I kind of wish he'd kept his hand on my leg.

"Relax" I feel Harry's breath fan onto my ear when he leans down as we walk towards the small Italian restaurant. Though rather small and secluded, the restaurant seems to be buzzing with life on the inside. The attention is gravitated towards Niall who I've learnt is a rather happy-go-lucky guy which is ironic considering the line of 'business' he's in.

The restaurant is lit by warm yellow lights which are accompanied by quiet Italian music. The environment is calming because it looks so inviting and somewhat family oriented. The walls are covered with art and there are small groups of people littering the room, chatting away with drinks clasped in their hands.

 Harry guides us over to Niall straight away. They exchange a handshake and a small ‘man hug’ then Niall turns to me.

“Happy Birthday” I say shyly. Although I am familiar with Niall as he seems to be high up in the gang, I can’t say I’m close to him- or anyone in this room really.

“Thanks” he gives me a wide smile and I’m put at ease.

“We’ll catch up later” Harry nods at Niall and then I’m lead away to a table where Zayn and Liam are sat. Harry pulls out my chair for me, I quietly thank him and sit down, and he also takes a seat next to me.

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