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"You know what would be great?" I finally get enough courage to ask Harry as he drives along a road I don't recognise, sarcasm lies within my tone.

"What?" Harry's voice carries a sense of amusement.

"If you would just tell me everything"

"Like what?" He laughs, but he's hesitant.

"Like who you are? I know nothing about you yet I'm forced to spend so much time with you it's ridiculous. What do you even do for a living? You have this nice car and house but what do you even do?" I frown as I spill the questions that have been clouding my mind for the past days.

"You'll find out when the time is right" He replies, mysteriously, resulting in a sigh from me.

"Really? You're going to do that?" I huff.

"Do what?" He laughs in defence.

"Act all mysterious 'You'll find out when the time is right'" I mock him, rolling my eyes. "It's so annoying, why can't you just tell me? I think I deserve to know after everything" I try to go down the road of making him feel guilty, he doesn't budge. "And what's with your friends?" I question, disgusts lies in my voice. Both Zayn and Louis had wanted or expected Harry to hit me, that is no way normal. Who would even encourage that?

Harry grunts in annoyance, "Let's just say we all have each other's backs". I sigh in defeat, it's a brief answer but it's something nonetheless.

"Where are we going?" I enquire after a few moments of silence, earning another grunt from Harry.

"Your house" He replies bluntly. My eyes widen in excitement, I'm going home! "Hey don't get yourself too excited, you're packing your stuff then we're going back to mine" He says this with a smirk. For the rest of the car journey I sit and sulk with my arms crossed over my chest. I just want to go back to my normal life.

I'm stood staring at my bedroom, an empty case lies on my bed. When you're told to 'pack up your life', what are you supposed to pack? Harry has only given me an hour to pack, he won't even let me check my phone messages or anything. My hands begin to work, throwing underwear, leggings, tops, jumpers into the case. You name it, I packed it. I was finished in around 45 minutes but I still stood staring at my bedroom, waiting for Harry to call me to leave. My suitcase is bulging yet there's still plenty I could've packed. Clothes, photographs, objects of significant meaning.

"What will happen to my house?" I ask Harry when we're driving back to his.

"It's still yours for now" Harry answers. For now. If he's insinuating that I'll be moving in with him permanently in the future, he's got high hopes.

 When we arrive back at Harry's Eleanor and Louis are still there. A delicious smell of food caresses my nose as we enter the house, my stomach rumbles in response.

"Hungry?" Harry smiles at me, I look away from him in embarrassment. I hadn't eaten at all today as earlier I fell asleep before I'd eaten my pancakes. He leads me into the kitchen where Louis and Eleanor are, they quickly finish their conversation as we enter.

"Alright?" Louis greets us with a nod.

"How long till dinner?" Harry doesn't respond to Louis but enquires Eleanor who is stirring something in a pan.

"A few more minutes" She replies, "hopefully you'll like this more than the pork" she smiles at me and I'm put at ease. I'd been worrying about Eleanor ever since this morning, I never meant to scare her.

The rest of the night goes pretty normal, I end up having seconds of dinner as I'm so hungry. After, we sit watching a movie that just happened to be on TV, I don't pay much attention to it as my eyelids become heavy and Harry tells me to go to bed.

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