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Harry looks at me expectantly. We'd just gotten in his car, still in the car park of Lucy's.

"What?" I half expected him to know where I lived.

"Address" he says, his head rests on his arms which are leant on the steering wheel.

"What about it?" I drop my eyes to the hand break, knowing I'm testing his patience. He lets out a low growl, a smile shows my satisfaction.

"Just tell me your address" his hand now grips the wheel, eyes closed.

"You can take me back to work", it's a little after 3 so there's plenty of time to get a few more hours work done.

"No we're going to yours". The words are released from his mouth slowly, almost as if he's trying to calm himself. I hope so.

"I left my bag at the shop, so you're taking me to work" I push, I had my house keys on me but I need my phone. He sighs, defeated, and starts the engine.

As he drives he taps his hands against the wheel along to the beat of the song, with every tap I expect the airbag to burst out. He knows I'm on edge because every so often he'll look over and stop, only to continue minutes later.

Trying to blank out his tapping I stare out the window watching the scenes rush by.

I know he only wants to drive me home so he knows where I live. I know he'll come in my house, not because I want him to but because he'll force his way in. I know because he wants me.

I clamp my eyes shut, shaking away the thoughts that flooded my mind. The car has come to a stop, Harry's not in the car but is holding my door open, I was too enveloped in my thoughts to notice we'd arrived.

A hand grips my arm, pulling me back as I reach the entrance of the shop.

"Grab your bag then we'll go. Understood?" his lips are at my ear, I nod slowly. "No funny business or you will be punished". His words sink in as I enter the shop, my heart races. I was beginning to forget how he really was; he wasn't so bad at Lucy's. But I needed to do something, warn someone.

Katie looks up from the cash register, her eyes light up.

"River I-" I cut her off by shaking my head. Harry hasn't followed me into the shop but I know he's watching. Her eyes flick to the door where I assume Harry is waiting. She gives me a confused look; again, I shake my head.

I let my feet lead me to the office; my heartbeat is thumping in my head as I reach for a pen and paper. I try to steady my hands as I write a note:

Get Carina to call me. Tell her it's about Harry.

Scrunching up the note in my hand, I collect my things and head back out to the shop floor. Slipping the shop key off mine I walk over to Katie, a worried expression is painted on her face. She's totally clueless. She can go home with nothing to worry about, I on the other hand have Harry to deal with.

"Here's the key to lock up" I tell her, handing her both the key and the note, hoping Harry doesn't get suspicious.

"Is everything alright?" concern seeps through her tone. No, but it's not like she's able to do anything, if she could it will only make things worse.

"I'm fine...I'll see you tomorrow" I manage to give her a small smile then walk out to Harry.

"What took you so long?" He demands, pressing his body against mine, I stumble back only to be met by the shop window. His arms are pressed on the window either side of me, I'm trapped.

"I had to give Katie the key to lock up" I press my hands against his chest, stopping him from coming any closer.

"Whatever, get in the car". I duck under his arm following his command; he's not far behind me, ensuring I don't run for it. Once in the car I tell him my address before he has to ask, the journey is silent apart from the small purr of the engine.

Now is the time I wish I had a roommate.

Approaching the door I fumble with the keys, cursing as they fall from my grasp, a sigh can be heard from behind me. This adds to my annoyance. The door is opened once I steady my shaking hands, I leave it open for Harry to but in but he lingers in the doorway.

"Are you coming in or not?" I lean against the banister, arms folded across my chest.

"You're just going to let a stranger into your house?" He smirks as he wipes his feet on the welcome mat. It's a stupid question, he knows I have no choice.

"You would just force your way in anyway, why waste my energy" I state. Just because I 'let' him in didn't mean I was comfortable with him being here. We were alone, he could do anything.

"But babe it's much more fun when you fight back" he strides over, I catch my breath in my throat as he towers over me. He could do anything.

"P-please" I whimper his hands are on my hips, crotch pressing against me.

"What's that?" He says playfully, I can practically hear the smirk on his face, his mouth wonders down to my neck, kissing my bare skin. A small moan escapes my mouth, I feel his crotch harden against me.

"Stop" I snap, attempting to push his away. His mouth releases from my neck, face full of anger. Fingers dig into my hips, resulting in a moan of pain. "I said stop" I raise my voice pushing harder, this time he stumbles back buying me enough time to run upstairs. He recovers quickly, heavy footsteps follow close behind me. I just manage to lock the bathroom door before he reaches me. I sit against the door, as if the lock wasn't enough, I'm not safe yet. My breathing is uncontrollable, half from running, half from panic.

Harry's fists continuously collide with the door, "Open the door River. RIGHT NOW" he shouts as he pounds on the door. I can't stop myself as the sobs take over, I know there is no escape.


The thumping stops, all that can be heard are my sobs.

"River please don't cry" Harry's soft voice coos. A flick of a switch and he's changed. "I'm sorry baby, just open the door". The doorknob rattles, I shake my head.

"No. No. No." I repeat to myself in an attempt to calm down. There is no way I'm letting him in. Just as I begin to relax, Harry's fist collides with the door one last time causing my sobs to begin again.

"You can't stay in there forever"

A/N: 35+ reads! Thank you! Hope this is long enough for your liking, it felt like a good place to end it.

Ps I love you if you're reading this!

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