A Different Destiny.

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Ragewolf charged forward from the other side of the training room, padded mats lay on the warm wooden floor as ropes dangle down swaying slightly from the speed of Ragewolfs dash. Ravenous swung his scythe behind his head and span around, this created a gigantic tornado which was heading in the direction of his ally. Ragewolf thrusted his right claw into the cyclone and it diminished. The wolf gave a smug grin and started to sprint again, his flame claws struck at the raven however he just managed to parry the blow, second after second the great God scythe took a beating but Ravenous prevented the dark hero from hitting him. At the top left corner of the room Sonarchy sat on a chair with his feet up on the table, watching and observing the movement of his fellow warriors. The bat reached over to a large glass and took a sip from his freezing cold ice salamander smoothie. He smiled as the fighting continued.

Ragewolf swiped Ravenous in the chest and the raven recoiled from this blow, he stumbled backwards but still clenched his scythe. He darted forward and slashed at the wolf like a bird trying to capture its prey, Ragewolf grabbed the super unique weapon that was as black as obsidian rocks and activated the spinning mechanism in his claws. The scythe began to rotate at an extreme speed, Ravenous struggled to grip onto it as it span rapidly so he let go and was flung into a wall, he crashed down onto a mat and slowly got onto his feet. The legendary weapon that Ravenous wielded was thrown back to him. Ragewolf smiles at the bird showing his razor-sharp fangs and screams. "I AM THE SUPERIOR DARK HERO!" Ravenous was unpleased with such an untruthful statement so he summoned a huge tornado and sent it flying in the wolfs direction. Ragewolf dived out of the way but the strong wind speeds sucked him into the center, he was sent crashing down to the ground. Sonarchy huffed and raised his eyebrows to the wolf. With a really smug tone he spoke, " I could've dodged that." The bat stared Ragewolf in the eyes and was met with a burst of the wolfs firey temper. "OH YOU ARE DEAD STANDOFFISH!" Sonarchy grasped his weapon and spoke with a calm voice "Please call me Sonarchy, Madfang." Ragewolf was only a couple metres away when the bat blew into his beautiful twinhorn and crystal blue sound waves hit Ragewolf. The dark hero fell asleep instantly and skidded to Sonarchy's feet. The bat looked down at his sleeping rival before stepping over him and leaving the room.

Naughtyfins tiptoed across the archaic slates that lead to the castle exit. She pulled the handle gently and caressed the door as she slid through the small gap made for her to get outside. She then turned around and closed the door behind her. Slogturtle left a room metres down the same corridor, he casually plodded across the floor approaching the same worn down wooden door that the mermaid had used only moments ago. Naughtyfins looked into the distance as the glorious sun sets, the sky is lit up with amazing yellows and oranges that sit adjacent to the sapphire blues and pure white clouds. A bush rustles nearby and a spiky yet sleek white mask peeks out from behind the foliage. Naughtyfins roles her eyes and shouts "Just come over here. ❤" The Patapon tribe clambered out of the jungle and began to take a steady stroll towards the dark hero. Naughtyfins' eyes lit up like an icicle in the sunshine, she skipped over to Nova shouting "HORSEEEEEE! ❤" The shield, bow and spear classes moved over to a location a few yards away and Hatapon happily followed them.

Naughtyfins began to pet the black and pink horse and hug her, there was a huge smile on her face. Suddenly the doors to Mjollnir castle burst open and a large green shield was dragged outwards, Buzzcrave followed Slogturtle on his mighty steed Ponteo and approached the mermaid. Slogturtle spoke very slowly. "Are.. You... Seriously... With... That... Guy... I... Mean... He... Broke... Into... My... Volcano... And... Beat... Me.. Up... He... Scuffed... My... Bacteon... Greatshield... Do... You... Even... Know... How... Long... It.. Took... Me... To... Get... It... Fixed...?" Naughtyfins gave a sigh and looked at Slogturtle but she ignored what he had just said and gave all the attention to Ponbiscuit. Slogturtle spoke again with a little more care in his voice. "Look... I... Know... We... Are... Dark... Heroes... And... All... But... He... Isn't... Exactly... A... Good... Guy..." Nova turned to face the turtle and gave him a scowl. Buzzcrave's steed trotted closer and the fly tried to convince Naughtyfins to at least make the tribe leave however nothing was working.

The mermaid finally got fed up and shouted "Stop telling me what to do all the time. 💔" She grabbed Nova and slightly pushed him so that he stumbled and hit the softer part of the ground. Slogturtle chuckled at this. Naughtyfins then mounted the elegant steed and began to ride off and circle around the castle, Nova ran over to Kan and asked him to help. The Yumiyacha clutched his sleepi bow and fired an arrow towards the mermaid, it hit her with very little force but she still fell asleep, she was launched off of Ponbiscuit and plummeted to the ground, Nova threw his lance and shield onto the floor and sprinted in her direction, he dived and skidded across the floor catching the dark hero in his arms. He sat up and held her tight he wouldn't let go until the time was right. Glee spread across Hatapon's face as he saw the act of a real hero. Naughtyfins woke up and gave a cute little smile, she hugged Nova and whispered. "My hero. ❤"

A Dark Descent- A Patapon 3 StoryWhere stories live. Discover now