Gong The Hawkeye.

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"So, what do you say then Hawkeye?" The obsidian beast floated around holding a blue mask with some form if sorcery. "I..I don't know." Replied Gong, there was a worried tone in his voice. The Archfiend of Earnestness was displeased with his response so far. The rain pattered down onto the the trees above and lightning struck with violent and vivid strokes of yellow. Winds blew harshly as the two stood facing each other. The twisted creature spoke again with a slightly angered tone. "Well then... if you don't take it someone else will. Someone greedy." Gong stepped forward begrudgingly and reached out his hands. He grasped the midnight blue mask and slowly put it on. Gongs body structure began to change as he grew in size, he grew a distinguishable body and his once giant eye had shifted onto a head. Gong stood there silently as the winds pummeled him yet he didn't even flinch. He reached out and picked up his Almighty scythe which had significantly grown in size and clutched it with his jet-black hand. Gong stared through the raven mask at the Archfiend. "I am Ravenous, and your rare items will be mine."

The Archfiend sniggered deviously, its plan had worked. "Prove yourself to me warrior." Ravenous charged through the intense flow of the storm, rain crashing down onto his body. He gripped his scythe and swung with a powerful and swift strike. The Goliath of a tree shook as chunks were ripped from it. The tree slowly fell to the ground and impacted with a giant thud. Ravenous stood atop the bark and raised his scythe in victory. "Very well done Raven." The Archfiend smiled. Ravenous looked down and adjacent to him sat a jeweled chest. He stared at it with amazement as he gently opened it up. A black and orange blade sat there, it was taller than Ravenous himself but he didn't really care about how it managed to fit in the chest. He slowly picked up the behemoth and examined it, the sharp edge just carve through flesh and armour alike. "Is this a rare item?" Ravenous turned to ask the Archfiend however it had vanished. Ravenous looked around with confusion but shrugged his shoulders and began to look at his new weapon. Ravenous held the weapon in his left hand and began to trudge through the conditions once more.

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